Adjectives That Start with Y
An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun, giving more information about the object's size, shape, age, color, origin, or material.
Below is a comprehensive list of adjectives that start with the letter "Y," organized alphabetically.
List of 115+ Adjectives that Start with Y
Yabbering: Talking rapidly and unintelligibly.
Yabble: To chatter or prattle.
Yabby: A small freshwater crayfish.
Yachting: Participating in the sport or recreation of sailing.
Yachtsmanlike: Exhibiting the qualities or skills of a yachtsman.
Yachtsmanly: Characteristic of or befitting a yachtsman.
Yahrzeit: The anniversary of the death of a close relative, observed in Jewish tradition.
Yakut: Pertaining to the Yakut people or their language, from Siberia.
Yammering: Making a loud and repetitive noise.
Yank: To pull something with a sudden, sharp movement.
Yankee: An inhabitant of New England or one of the northern states.
Yankee-Doodle: A term referring to a patriotic song or a person with Yankee characteristics.
Yanomami: Pertaining to the Yanomami people, an indigenous group in South America.
Yappiest: Most inclined to talk incessantly.
Yard-long: Having a length of one yard.
Yard-sale: An event where people sell items from their yard or garage.
Yardarm: Either of the two tapering outer ends of a ship's yard.
Yardie: A member of a Jamaican gang or a Jamaican expatriate.
Yardland: An old English unit of land area.
Yarking: Vomiting or retching.
Yarn-spinning: Telling long, imaginative, and exaggerated stories.
Yarned: Spun into yarn or narrated as a story.
Yawning: Involuntarily opening one's mouth wide and inhaling deeply due to tiredness or boredom.
Yawningly: In a manner suggestive of yawning or expressing boredom.
Year-end: Relating to the end of the year.
Year-old: Having the age of one year.
Year-round: Happening throughout the entire year.
Yearbook: An annual publication giving information about a school or institution.
Yearling: An animal, especially a horse, that is one year old.
Yearlong: Lasting for one year.
Yearnful: Full of yearning or longing.
Yearning: A feeling of intense longing for something.
Yearningly: In a manner expressing a strong desire.
Yellow-backed: Having a yellow-colored back.
Yellow-bellied: Cowardly or easily frightened.
Yellowfin: A type of tuna with yellow fins.
Yellowing: Becoming yellow in color.
Yellowish: Slightly yellow in color.
Yellowish-green: A color that is a mixture of yellow and green.
Yellowtail: A fish with a yellow tail.
Yellowy: Resembling the color yellow.
Yelping: Making a sharp, high-pitched cry or bark.
Yelpy: Characterized by frequent yelping.
Yenta: A gossip or busybody.
Yeomanlike: Resembling or characteristic of a yeoman.
Yeomanly: Befitting a yeoman; hardworking and dependable.
Yester: Pertaining to yesterday.
Yesterday: The day before today.
Yesterday’s: Belonging to or relating to yesterday.
Yesterweek: In the week before the current week.
Yet: Up to and including now.
Yeuking: Itching intensely.
Yew: A type of evergreen tree with red berries.
Yewen: Made from yew wood.
Yex: To hiccup or belch.
Yexing: The act of hiccupping or belching.
Yiddish: A language used by Jews in central and eastern Europe before the Holocaust.
Yieldable: Capable of yielding or giving way.
Yielded: Gave way under force or pressure.
Yielden: Having yielded.
Yielding: Giving way under pressure.
Yieldless: Not yielding or giving way.
Yippie: A member of the Youth International Party.
Yipping: Making a short, sharp bark or cry.
Yo-yo: A toy consisting of a pair of joined discs with a string.
Yob: A rude or aggressive young man.
Yobbing: Acting in a rude or aggressive manner.
Yobbish: Characteristic of a yob; uncouth or rowdy.
Yobbishness: The quality of being yobbish.
Yodeling: Singing with rapid changes of pitch.
Yodellike: Resembling yodeling.
Yodelling: Another term for yodeling.
Yogic: Relating to yoga.
Yogistic: Pertaining to yoga practices.
Yoked: Joined together.
Yoked-up: Joined or coupled together.
Yokelish: Resembling a country bumpkin.
Yokemates: Mates or partners yoked together.
Yon: Over there; at a distance.
Yon-side: On the other side.
Yonder: At some distance in the direction indicated.
Yonderly: Mentally or emotionally distant.
Yonderwise: In that direction.
Yonic: Relating to or resembling a vulva.
Yonks: A long time.
Yore: Time long past.
Yore-time: Referring to the distant past.
Yores: Plural of yore.
Yorkshire: Pertaining to Yorkshire, a county in England.
Yottabyte: A unit of information equal to 1,000 zettabytes.
Young: Having lived or existed for only a short time.
Young-hearted: Having the spirit or characteristics of youth.
Younger: Comparative of young; more youthful.
Youngerish: Somewhat young.
Youngish: Fairly young.
Younker’s: Belonging to a young man or boy.
Younkerish: Resembling a young man.
Youth-loving: Fond of or advocating for youth.
Youthening: Making youthful.
Youthful: Characterized by youth; young.
Youthified: Made to appear youthful.
Youthless: Lacking youth.
Youthmost: At the height of youth.
Youthsome: Full of youth.
Youthward: Toward youth.
Yowie: A mythical creature resembling a Bigfoot.
Yowling: Making a loud wailing cry.
Yucatecan: Pertaining to Yucatán or its people.
Yucky: Disgusting or unpleasant.
Yugoslavian: Relating to the former country of Yugoslavia.
Yukon: Pertaining to the Yukon Territory in Canada.
Yule-log: A large log traditionally burned in the hearth on Christmas Eve.
Yuletide: The Christmas season.
Yummiest: Most delicious.
Yummy: Delicious or tasty.
Yuppie: A young urban professional.
Yuppish: Resembling a yuppie.
Yuppyish: Another term for yuppish.
Yurtish: Resembling or characteristic of a yurt.