Adjectives That Start With A

An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun, providing more information about an object's size, shape, age, color, origin, or material. Adjectives help to create a clearer and more specific picture in the reader's mind.

Here is a comprehensive list of adjectives that start with the letter "A," organized alphabetically:

170+ Adjectives That Start With A

  • Abandoned: Left without needed protection or care.

  • Abashed: Embarrassed or ashamed.

  • Abdominal: Relating to the abdomen.

  • Abiding: Continuing for a long time.

  • Abject: Extremely bad or severe.

  • Able: Having the power, skill, or means to do something.

  • Abnormal: Not typical, usual, or regular.

  • Aboard: On or into a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle.

  • Abrasive: Causing damage or wear by rubbing or grinding.

  • Abrupt: Sudden and unexpected.

  • Absent: Not present in a place or situation.

  • Absolute: Complete and total.

  • Absorbing: Fully taking one's attention.

  • Abstract: Existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical existence.

  • Abundant: Existing or available in large quantities.

  • Abusive: Extremely offensive and insulting.

  • Academic: Relating to education and scholarship.

  • Acceptable: Able to be agreed on; suitable.

  • Accessible: Easy to approach, reach, enter, or use.

  • Accidental: Happening by chance or without intention.

  • Acclaimed: Publicly praised; celebrated.

  • Accommodating: Willing to fit in with someone's wishes or needs.

  • Accomplished: Highly trained or skilled.

  • Accurate: Correct in all details; exact.

  • Accusative: Expressing accusation.

  • Accusing: Indicating a belief in someone's guilt.

  • Acerbic: Sharp and forthright.

  • Aching: Suffering from continuous pain.

  • Acid: Sharp-tasting or sour.

  • Acidic: Having the properties of an acid.

  • Acknowledged: Recognized as being good or important.

  • Acoustic: Relating to sound or the sense of hearing.

  • Acrid: Having an irritatingly strong and unpleasant taste or smell.

  • Acrobatic: Performing, involving, or adept at spectacular gymnastic feats.

  • Active: Engaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits.

  • Actual: Existing in fact; real.

  • Acute: Present or experienced to a severe or intense degree.

  • Adamant: Refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind.

  • Adaptable: Able to adjust to new conditions.

  • Addicted: Physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance.

  • Additional: Added, extra, or supplementary.

  • Adept: Very skilled or proficient at something.

  • Adequate: Satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.

  • Adhesive: Able to stick fast to a surface or object.

  • Adjacent: Next to or adjoining something else.

  • Adjective: A word that describes a noun.

  • Admirable: Arousing or deserving respect and approval.

  • Admired: Regarded with respect or warm approval.

  • Admissible: Acceptable or valid, especially as evidence in a court of law.

  • Adorable: Inspiring great affection; delightful.

  • Adored: Loved and respected deeply.

  • Adroit: Clever or skillful in using the hands or mind.

  • Adult: Fully grown or developed.

  • Adventurous: Willing to take risks or try out new methods, ideas, or experiences.

  • Adversarial: Involving or characterized by conflict or opposition.

  • Adverse: Preventing success or development; harmful.

  • Advertised: Publicly promoted.

  • Advisable: Suitable or appropriate to be done; sensible.

  • Aerial: Existing, happening, or operating in the air.

  • Aesthetic: Concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.

  • Affable: Friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to.

  • Affected: Artificial, pretentious, and designed to impress.

  • Affectionate: Readily feeling or showing fondness or tenderness.

  • Affirmative: Agreeing with or consenting to a statement or request.

  • Affluent: Having a great deal of money; wealthy.

  • Affordable: Inexpensive; reasonably priced.

  • Afraid: Feeling fear or anxiety.

  • African: Relating to Africa or its people.

  • Ageless: Never seeming to grow old.

  • Aggravated: Made more severe or intense, especially in law.

  • Aggressive: Ready or likely to attack or confront.

  • Agile: Able to move quickly and easily.

  • Agitated: Feeling or appearing troubled or nervous.

  • Agonizing: Causing great physical or mental pain.

  • Agreeable: Enjoyable and pleasurable; pleasant.

  • Agricultural: Relating to farming.

  • Ahead: Further forward in space; in the line of one's forward motion.

  • Airborne: Transported by air.

  • Airy: Spacious, well lit, and well ventilated.

  • Alarmed: Frightened or worried.

  • Alarming: Causing alarm or fear.

  • Alert: Quick to notice any unusual and potentially dangerous or difficult circumstances.

  • Alien: Belonging to a foreign country or nation.

  • Aligned: Placed or arranged in a straight line.

  • Alive: Living, not dead.

  • All: Used to refer to the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing.

  • Alleged: Claimed to be true, but not yet proven.

  • Allergic: Having an allergy.

  • Allied: Joined by or relating to members of an alliance.

  • Alluring: Powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating.

  • Aloof: Not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.

  • Altruistic: Showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.

  • Amazing: Causing great surprise or wonder.

  • Ambidextrous: Able to use the right and left hands equally well.

  • Ambient: Relating to the immediate surroundings of something.

  • Ambiguous: Open to more than one interpretation.

  • Ambitious: Having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.

  • Ample: Enough or more than enough; plentiful.

  • Amused: Finding something funny or entertaining.

  • Amusing: Causing laughter and providing entertainment.

  • Analogous: Comparable in certain respects.

  • Analytical: Relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning.

  • Ancient: Belonging to the very distant past.

  • Angelic: Resembling or characteristic of an angel.

  • Angry: Feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.

  • Anguished: Experiencing or expressing severe mental or physical pain or suffering.

  • Angular: Having angles or sharp corners.

  • Animated: Full of life or excitement; lively.

  • Annoyed: Slightly angry; irritated.

  • Annoying: Causing irritation or annoyance.

  • Annual: Occurring once every year.

  • Anonymous: Not identified by name.

  • Antarctic: Relating to the south polar region or Antarctica.

  • Anticipated: Regarded as likely; expected.

  • Antique: Having a high value because of considerable age.

  • Anxious: Experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness.

  • Apathetic: Showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

  • Apparent: Clearly visible or understood; obvious.

  • Appealing: Attractive or interesting.

  • Appetizing: Stimulating one's appetite.

  • Applicable: Relevant or appropriate.

  • Appointed: Decided on beforehand; designated.

  • Appreciative: Feeling or showing gratitude or pleasure.

  • Appropriate: Suitable or proper in the circumstances.

  • Approving: Showing or feeling approval of someone or something.

  • Approximate: Close to the actual, but not completely accurate or exact.

  • Aquatic: Relating to water.

  • Arbitrary: Based on random choice or personal whim.

  • Archaic: Very old or old-fashioned.

  • Ardent: Enthusiastic or passionate.

  • Arduous: Involving or requiring strenuous effort.

  • Arid: Having little or no rain; too dry or barren to support vegetation.

  • Aristocratic: Of or relating to the aristocracy.

  • Armed: Equipped with or carrying a weapon or weapons.

  • Aromatic: Having a pleasant and distinctive smell.

  • Arrogant: Having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.

  • Artful: Clever or skillful, typically in a crafty or cunning way.

  • Artificial: Made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally.

  • Artistic: Having or revealing natural creative skill.

  • Ashamed: Embarrassed or guilty because of one's actions.

  • Asian: Relating to Asia or its people.

  • Aspiring: Directing one's hopes or ambitions toward becoming a specified type of person.

  • Assiduous: Showing great care and perseverance.

  • Assistant: A person who ranks below a senior person.

  • Associated: Connected with something else.

  • Assorted: Of various sorts put together; miscellaneous.

  • Astonishing: Extremely surprising or impressive.

  • Astounding: Surprisingly impressive or notable.

  • Astronomical: Relating to astronomy.

  • Athletic: Physically strong, fit, and active.

  • Atmospheric: Relating to the atmosphere of the earth.

  • Atomic: Relating to an atom or atoms.

  • Attentive: Paying close attention to something.

  • Attractive: Pleasing or appealing to the senses.

  • Audible: Able to be heard.

  • Auditory: Relating to the sense of hearing.

  • August: Respected and impressive.

  • Austere: Severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance.

  • Authentic: Of undisputed origin; genuine.

  • Authoritarian: Favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority.

  • Authoritative: Able to be trusted as being accurate or true; reliable.

  • Automatic: Working by itself with little or no direct human control.

  • Autonomous: Having self-government.

  • Available: Able to be used or obtained.

  • Avant-garde: New and experimental ideas and methods in art, music, or literature.

  • Average: The result obtained by adding several quantities together.

  • Avid: Having or showing a keen interest in or enthusiasm for something.

  • Awake: Not asleep.

  • Aware: Having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.

  • Awash: Covered or flooded with water.

  • Awesome: Extremely impressive or daunting.

  • Awful: Very bad or unpleasant.

  • Awkward: Causing difficulty; hard to do or deal with.

  • Azure: Bright blue in color like a cloudless sky.