Adjectives That Start With L
Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns, providing more detail and helping to create a clearer picture.
Here, you'll find a comprehensive list of adjectives that start with the letter L, segmented alphabetically for easy reference.
130+ Adjectives That Start With L
- Labeled: Marked or identified with a label.
- Laborious: Requiring considerable effort and time.
- Lachrymose: Tearful or given to weeping.
- Lacking: Not available or missing.
- Lacy: Made of or resembling lace.
- Laden: Heavily loaded or weighed down.
- Laggard: Slow or late in doing something.
- Lagging: Falling behind or delayed.
- Laid-back: Relaxed and easygoing.
- Lamentable: Deserving to be lamented or regretted.
- Lampooning: Publicly criticizing in a humorous way.
- Lanky: Tall and thin.
- Larcenous: Involving or resembling theft.
- Largely: For the most part; mainly.
- Lascivious: Feeling or revealing an overt and often offensive sexual desire.
- Lasting: Enduring or able to endure over a long period.
- Latent: Existing but not yet developed or manifest.
- Later: At a time in the future or after the expected time.
- Lateral: Of, at, toward, or from the side.
- Latest: Most recent or newest.
- Latin: Relating to the Latin language or culture.
- Laudable: Deserving praise and commendation.
- Laughable: So ludicrous as to be amusing.
- Lavish: Sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious.
- Lawful: Conforming to, permitted by, or recognized by law.
- Lawless: Not governed by or obedient to laws.
- Lazy: Unwilling to work or use energy.
- Leading: Most important or most successful.
- Leafy: Having many leaves or resembling a leaf.
- Leaky: Having a leak or leaks.
- Lean: Thin, especially healthily so; not carrying much fat.
- Learned: Having much knowledge acquired by study.
- Leathery: Having the appearance or texture of leather.
- Legal: Relating to the law.
- Legitimate: Conforming to the law or to rules.
- Lengthy: Of considerable or unusual length.
- Lenient: More merciful or tolerant than expected.
- Leprous: Infected with leprosy.
- Lethal: Sufficient to cause death.
- Lethargic: Affected by lethargy; sluggish and apathetic.
- Lettered: Formed with letters; literate.
- Level: Having a flat and even surface.
- Leveled: Made flat or even.
- Levied: Imposed (a tax, fee, or fine).
- Lexical: Relating to the words or vocabulary of a language.
- Lexicographical: Relating to the writing, editing, or compiling of dictionaries.
- Liar-like: Resembling or characteristic of a liar.
- Liberal: Open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
- Liberated: Freed from imprisonment, slavery, or enemy occupation.
- Libertarian: Advocating or practicing liberty or freedom.
- Libertine: A person who behaves without moral principles.
- Librarian: A person who works in or is in charge of a library.
- Licentious: Promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters.
- Lifeless: Lacking in energy or vitality.
- Lifelong: Lasting or remaining in a particular state throughout a person's life.
- Light: Having little weight; not heavy.
- Light-hearted: Cheerfully optimistic and unconcerned.
- Lighted: Provided with light or lighting.
- Lightning: Very quick or sudden.
- Lightweight: Weighing relatively little.
- Likable: Easy to like; agreeable.
- Like: Similar to; having the same characteristics or qualities as.
- Likely: Such as well might happen or be true; probable.
- Liking: A feeling of regard or fondness.
- Limber: Flexible and agile.
- Limbless: Without limbs.
- Limited: Restricted in size, amount, or extent.
- Limitless: Without end, limit, or boundary.
- Limp: Lacking internal strength or structure.
- Limpid: Clear and transparent.
- Linear: Arranged in or extending along a straight line.
- Lined: Marked with lines or wrinkles.
- Lingering: Lasting for a long time or slow to end.
- Linguistic: Relating to language or linguistics.
- Lithe: Thin, supple, and graceful.
- Lithographic: Relating to lithography, a method of printing.
- Litigious: Prone to engage in lawsuits.
- Little: Small in size, amount, or degree.
- Livid: Furiously angry.
- Living: Alive; having life.
- Loath: Reluctant or unwilling.
- Loathsome: Causing hatred or disgust.
- Lofty: Of imposing height; noble or exalted.
- Logical: Of or according to the rules of logic or formal argument.
- Lone: Having no companions; solitary.
- Lonely: Sad because one has no friends or company.
- Long: Measuring a great distance from end to end.
- Long-lasting: Enduring for a long period of time.
- Long-term: Occurring over or relating to a long period of time.
- Long-winded: Using too many words in speaking or writing.
- Longing: Having or showing a strong desire.
- Loopy: Crazy or silly.
- Loose: Not firmly or tightly fixed in place.
- Lopsided: With one side lower or smaller than the other.
- Lordly: Having the qualities of a lord; arrogant or haughty.
- Lorn: Lonely and abandoned.
- Lost: Unable to find one's way; not knowing one's whereabouts.
- Lot: A great deal; a large number or amount.
- Loth: Reluctant or unwilling.
- Loud: Producing or capable of producing much noise.
- Louder: More intense or vehement in sound.
- Lousy: Very poor or bad.
- Loved: Held in deep affection.
- Loveless: Without love.
- Lovely: Exquisitely beautiful.
- Loving: Feeling or showing love or great care.
- Low: Situated not far above the ground or another surface.
- Low-budget: Requiring a small amount of money.
- Low-cost: Relatively inexpensive.
- Low-key: Not elaborate, showy, or intensive.
- Low-risk: Unlikely to result in failure, harm, or loss.
- Lowly: Low in status or importance.
- Loyal: Giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance.
- Lubricated: Made smooth or slippery with a substance.
- Lucid: Expressed clearly; easy to understand.
- Luculent: Clear in thought or expression.
- Luddite: Opposed to new technology or ways of working.
- Ludicrous: So foolish or unreasonable as to be amusing.
- Lugubrious: Looking or sounding sad and dismal.
- Lukewarm: Only moderately warm; tepid.
- Luminous: Full of or shedding light; bright or shining.
- Lumpy: Full of or covered with lumps.
- Lunar: Relating to the moon.
- Lunatic: Mentally ill or extremely foolish.
- Lurid: Very vivid in color, especially so as to create an unpleasantly harsh or unnatural effect.
- Lush: Growing luxuriantly.
- Lustful: Having or showing strong feelings of sexual desire.
- Lustrous: Having luster; shining.
- Lying: Not telling the truth.
- Lyrical: Expressing the writer's emotions in an imaginative and beautiful way.
- Lytic: Relating to or causing lysis (the disintegration of a cell by rupture of the cell wall or membrane).