English Sentence Structure

Learn about sentence types, components, and how to construct clear, effective sentences.

This section includes detailed explanations, examples, and practice exercises to enhance your writing skills.

Other Sentence Structures

Learn about affirmative, assertive, negative, optative, and verbal sentences:

Common Sentence Issues

Learn about run-on sentences and sentence fragments:

Subject, Predicate, & Clause

Learn about subjects, predicates, and clauses in sentences:

Sentence Starters

Learn effective sentence starters for topics, body paragraphs, conclusions, and connectors:

Sentence Start Questions

Learn if you can start sentences with "and," "because," "but," "however," "or," and "so":

Can you start a sentence with and?
Can you start a sentence with as?
Can you start a sentence with because?
Can you start a sentence with but?
Can you start a sentence with however?
Can you start a sentence with or?
Can you start a sentence with so?

Connective Words

Learn how to use connective words like "although," "besides," "however," "nevertheless," "therefore," and more in sentences:

Albeit in a sentence
Also in a sentence
Although in a sentence
As well as in a sentence
Beside in a sentence
Besides in a sentence
But in a sentence
Furthermore in a sentence
Hence in a sentence
However in a sentence
Moreover in a sentence
Namely in a sentence
Nevertheless in a sentence
Otherwise in a sentence
Such as in a sentence
Therefore in a sentence
Though at the end of a sentence
Though in a sentence
Too in a sentence
Whereas in a sentence
Whether in a sentence
Which in a sentence
Yet in a sentence
You're in a sentence

Use of Punctuation in Sentences Words

Learn how to use connective words and phrases like "however," "i.e.," "respectively," and punctuation in sentences:

How to use a dash in a sentence
How to use etc in a sentence
How to use however in a sentence
How to use ie in a sentence
How to use respectively in a sentence
How to use semicolon in a sentence
When to use a dash in a sentence

Words in Sentences

Learn how to use various words in sentences with examples:

Abate in a sentence
Aberration in a sentence
Abhor in a sentence
Abstract in a sentence
Accept in a sentence
Acquiesce in a sentence
Acumen in a sentence
Adamant in a sentence
Admonish in a sentence
Adversity in a sentence
Advice in a sentence
Advocate in a sentence
Aesthetic in a sentence
Alacrity in a sentence
Alliteration in a sentence
Allusion in a sentence
Aloof in a sentence
Ambiguity in a sentence
Ambiguous in a sentence
Ameliorate in a sentence
Amiable in a sentence
Among in a sentence
Anarchy in a sentence
Anecdote in a sentence
Apathy in a sentence
Apprehensive in a sentence
Arbitrary in a sentence
Articulate in a sentence
Assuage in a sentence
Augment in a sentence
Auspicious in a sentence
Autonomy in a sentence
Avarice in a sentence
Benevolent in a sentence
Bias in a sentence
Boycott in a sentence
Brevity in a sentence
Cacophony in a sentence
Candor in a sentence
Capitalism in a sentence
Capricious in a sentence
Catharsis in a sentence
Caveat in a sentence
Cognitive in a sentence
Communism in a sentence
Complacent in a sentence
Compromise in a sentence
Connotation in a sentence
Conquest in a sentence
Conviction in a sentence
Courage in a sentence
Cumulative sentence
Curious in a sentence
Democracy in a sentence
Derision in a sentence
Desolate in a sentence
Despite in a sentence
Determination in a sentence
Dialogue in a sentence
Dichotomy in a sentence
Diligent in a sentence
Discern in a sentence
Disdain in a sentence
Due diligence in a sentence
e.g. in a sentence
Egregious in a sentence
Elaborate in a sentence
Elicit in a sentence
Empathy in a sentence
Emulate in a sentence
Enormous in a sentence
Ephemeral in a sentence
Epiphany in a sentence
Epitome in a sentence
Erudite in a sentence
Et al in a sentence
Etc in a sentence
Experience in a sentence
Facetious in a sentence
Facilitate in a sentence
Formidable in a sentence
Godspeed in a sentence
Happy in a sentence
Help in a sentence
Incredulous in a sentence
Indeed in a sentence
Indignant in a sentence
Inference in a sentence
Insidious in a sentence
Integrity in a sentence
Irony in a sentence
Just in a sentence
Juxtaposition in a sentence
Know in a sentence
Lament in a sentence
Likewise in a sentence
Loquacious in a sentence
Manifest in a sentence
Meticulous in a sentence
Mitigate in a sentence
Myriad in a sentence
Nationalism in a sentence
Nefarious in a sentence
Nonchalant in a sentence
Nuance in a sentence
Obscure in a sentence
Obstinate in a sentence
Ominous in a sentence
Palpable in a sentence
Paradox in a sentence
Pensive in a sentence
Perfunctory in a sentence
Perseverance in a sentence
Poignant in a sentence
Precedent in a sentence
Prejudice in a sentence
Profound in a sentence
Provide in a sentence
Quickly in a sentence
Reminiscing in a sentence
Republic in a sentence
Sagacity in a sentence
Sanguine in a sentence
Serendipity in a sentence
Share in a sentence
Solace in a sentence
Superfluous in a sentence
Tangible in a sentence
Their in a sentence
These in a sentence
This in a sentence
Through sentence
Ubiquitous in a sentence
Update in a sentence
Verbatim in a sentence
Virtue in a sentence
Water in a sentence
Were in a sentence
Wonder in a sentence
Vocabulary words with meaning and sentence