English Capitalization
Learn the rules of English capitalization to understand when to use capital letters.
This section explains proper capitalization for sentences, names, titles, and other important elements, helping you write correctly and professionally.
General Guidelines for Capitalization
Learn the rules of capitalization, including what to capitalize in sentences and titles, and how it relates to punctuation:
10 rules of capitalization
Capitalization and punctuation
What should be capitalized in a sentence?
What words do you not capitalize in a title?
What words should be capitalized in a title?
What words to capitalize in a title?
Capitalization Questions
Find answers to common capitalization questions, such as whether to capitalize directions, titles like "doctor," holidays like "Thanksgiving," and more:
Are directions capitalized?
Is "doctor" capitalized?
Is "English" capitalized?
Is "thanksgiving" capitalized?
To whom it may concern capitalization
Capitalization in Titles
Learn the rules for capitalizing words in titles, including which words to capitalize and which to leave lowercase:
Do you capitalize "and" in a title?
Do you capitalize "are" in a title?
Do you capitalize "for" in a title?
Do you capitalize "is" in a title?
Do you capitalize languages?
Do you capitalize "of" in a title?
Do you capitalize "the" in a title?
Do you capitalize "with" in a title?
Is "about" capitalized in a title?
Is "be" capitalized in a title?
Is "by" capitalized in a title?
Is "can" capitalized in a title?
Is "from" capitalized in a title?
Is "in" capitalized in a title?
Is "into" capitalized in a title?
Is "its" capitalized in a title?
Is "my" capitalized in a title?
Is "on" capitalized in a title?
Is "our" capitalized in a title?
Is "that" capitalized in a title?
Is "their" capitalized in a title?
Is "this" capitalized in a title?
Is "through" capitalized in a title?
Is "to" capitalized in a title?
Is "was" capitalized in a title?
Is "we" capitalized in a title?
Is "with" capitalized in a title?
Is "you" capitalized in a title?
Is "your" capitalized in a title?