English Word Usage
Enhance your understanding of English word usage. Learn how to use words correctly in different contexts, avoid common mistakes, and improve your vocabulary.
Confusing Words and Their Differences
Learn the differences between commonly confused words like "advice vs. advise," "their vs. there," and "lose vs. loose":
Advice vs advise
Amount vs number
Bought or brought
Canceled or cancelled
Centre vs center
Cheque vs check
Continuous vs continual
Gray vs grey
Lose vs loose
Seat in or sit in
Sell and sale difference
Subject vs object
Subjective vs objective
Their vs there
Then or than
Though vs although
Trainer or trainor
Whose vs who’s
Your or your’s
Prepositions and Usage
Learn proper preposition usage with examples like "at school vs. in school" and "in vs. at":
At school or in school
At the beginning or in the beginning
At the weekend or on the weekend
Difference between in and into
In may or on may
In office or at office
In vs at
Into or in to
Onto vs on to
Verbs and Their Forms
Learn verb forms and differences with examples, including "do vs. does," "may vs. might," and "was vs. were":
Similar Words
Learn the differences between similar words like "enquire vs. inquire," "ensure vs. insure," and "principal vs. principle":
Compare to or with
Define and in grammar
Enquire vs inquire
Ensure vs insure
Fate vs destiny
Favorite vs favourite
Further vs farther
Inquiry vs enquiry
Inter vs intra
Is vs are
Like or as
Me either or me neither
Principal vs principle
Spoilt or spoiled
To and for difference
To vs too
Usage Guidelines
Learn usage guidelines for "colon vs. semicolon," "shall vs. should," "has vs. have," and "which vs. what":
Colon vs semicolon
Shall and should difference
Use of has and have
Which vs what