Adjectives That Start With H
Adjectives describe or modify nouns, giving more detail and specificity. They can indicate qualities, quantities, sizes, shapes, and more.
Here is a comprehensive list of adjectives starting with the letter H, sorted alphabetically:
165+ Adjectives That Start With H
- Habit-forming: likely to cause someone to become addicted.
- Habitual: done or doing constantly or as a habit.
- Hackneyed: lacking significance through having been overused; unoriginal.
- Hailing: calling out or signaling to.
- Hair-raising: extremely frightening but exciting.
- Hairless: without hair.
- Hairy: covered with hair.
- Halcyon: denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful.
- Half-baked: not fully thought through; lacking a sound basis.
- Half-conscious: partially aware or awake.
- Half-dead: extremely tired or nearly unconscious.
- Half-open: partially open.
- Half-timbered: having a timber frame with spaces filled with masonry or plaster.
- Halfhearted: showing little enthusiasm or interest.
- Hallucinogenic: causing hallucinations.
- Halted: brought or come to an abrupt stop.
- Halting: hesitant; faltering.
- Ham-fisted: clumsy; inept.
- Hammered: heavily drunk or intoxicated.
- Hands-off: not involving oneself in a situation; non-interfering.
- Handsome: good-looking, often used to describe a man.
- Handy: useful; convenient.
- Haphazard: lacking any obvious principle of organization.
- Haphazardly: in a manner lacking any obvious organization.
- Hapless: unfortunate.
- Happening: trendy or fashionable.
- Happy: feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
- Haranguing: lecturing someone at length in an aggressive and critical manner.
- Hard: solid, firm, and resistant to pressure.
- Hard-bitten: tough and cynical.
- Hard-core: the most committed, uncompromising, or dedicated.
- Hard-edged: tough, uncompromising.
- Hard-hearted: incapable of being moved to pity or tenderness; unfeeling.
- Hard-nosed: realistic and determined; tough-minded.
- Hard-pressed: closely pursued or attacked.
- Hard-shell: having a tough outer layer.
- Hard-to-find: difficult to locate.
- Hard-to-reach: difficult to access.
- Hard-up: short of money.
- Hardened: made or become hard or tougher.
- Hardworking: industrious; diligent.
- Hardy: robust; capable of enduring difficult conditions.
- Harlequin: in varied colors; variegated.
- Harmful: causing or likely to cause harm.
- Harmless: not able or likely to cause harm.
- Harmonic: relating to harmony in music.
- Harmonious: forming a pleasing or consistent whole.
- Harmonized: made to be in harmony.
- Harnessed: brought under control and put to use.
- Harried: feeling strained as a result of having demands persistently made on one; harassed.
- Harrowing: acutely distressing.
- Harrying: persistently carrying out attacks on.
- Harsh: unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses.
- Harshest: most severe or strict.
- Harvested: gathered (a crop) as a harvest.
- Hasty: done or acting with excessive speed or urgency.
- Hated: intensely disliked.
- Hateful: arousing, deserving of, or filled with hatred.
- Haughtier: more arrogantly superior and disdainful.
- Haughtiest: most arrogantly superior and disdainful.
- Haughty: arrogantly superior and disdainful.
- Haunted: frequented by a ghost.
- Haunting: poignant and evocative; difficult to ignore or forget.
- Haute: high-class or high-fashion.
- Hazardous: risky; dangerous.
- Hazy: covered by a haze.
- Headstrong: self-willed and obstinate.
- Heady: having a strong or exhilarating effect.
- Health-conscious: showing concern for health and wellness.
- Healthful: conducive to good health.
- Healthy: in good health.
- Heard: perceived with the ear.
- Heart-breaking: causing overwhelming distress.
- Heart-pounding: causing a rapid heart rate due to excitement or fear.
- Heart-warming: emotionally rewarding or uplifting.
- Heartbreaking: causing overwhelming grief or distress.
- Heartbroken: suffering from overwhelming distress.
- Heartening: giving strength, courage, or hope.
- Heartfelt: deeply and strongly felt.
- Heartless: displaying a complete lack of feeling or consideration.
- Heartwarming: causing feelings of happiness and pleasure.
- Hearty: loudly vigorous and cheerful.
- Heated: made warm or hot.
- Heathen: not adhering to a widely held religion.
- Heathery: covered with heather.
- Heavenly: of heaven; divine or celestial.
- Heavy: of great weight; difficult to lift or move.
- Heavy-handed: clumsy or insensitive.
- Heavyhearted: feeling depressed or melancholy.
- Heavyset: having a stocky or stout build.
- Heckling: interrupting with derisive or aggressive comments.
- Heedful: attentive; mindful.
- Heedless: showing a reckless lack of care or attention.
- Hefty: large, heavy, and powerful.
- Heightened: made more intense.
- Heinous: utterly odious or wicked.
- Heirloom: a valuable object that has belonged to a family for several generations.
- Helical: having the shape or form of a helix; spiral.
- Hellenic: relating to ancient Greek history, culture, or art.
- Hellish: of or like hell.
- Helpful: giving or ready to give help.
- Helpless: unable to defend oneself or to act without help.
- Helplessly: in a way that shows an inability to do anything to help oneself.
- Heralded: acclaimed or celebrated.
- Heraldic: relating to heraldry.
- Herbaceous: relating to or denoting herbs.
- Herbal: relating to or made from herbs.
- Herculean: requiring great strength or effort.
- Herding: moving in a particular direction.
- Hereditary: conferred by or based on inheritance.
- Heroic: having the characteristics of a hero.
- Hesitant: tentative, unsure, or slow in acting or speaking.
- Hesitantly: in a tentative or unsure manner.
- Hesitative: showing hesitation.
- Heterodox: not conforming with accepted or orthodox standards or beliefs.
- Heterogeneous: diverse in character or content.
- Hewn: chopped or cut with an ax, pick, or other tools.
- Hexagonal: having six sides and six angles.
- Hidden: kept out of sight; concealed.
- Hidebound: unwilling or unable to change because of tradition or convention.
- Hideous: extremely ugly or disgusting.
- Hierarchical: arranged in order of rank.
- High: of great vertical extent.
- High-definition: having high resolution.
- High-end: denoting the most expensive of a range of products.
- High-minded: having strong moral principles.
- High-octane: having high energy and activity.
- High-pitched: having a high frequency.
- High-powered: having great energy or strength.
- High-profile: attracting much attention or publicity.
- High-ranking: holding a high rank or position.
- High-resolution: having a high level of detail.
- High-risk: involving a high risk.
- High-spirited: lively and cheerful.
- High-stakes: involving high risks and high rewards.
- High-tech: employing advanced technological devices.
- High-yield: producing a large amount.
- Highbrow: intellectual or rarefied in taste.
- Highest: of the greatest vertical extent.
- Highfalutin: pompous or pretentious.
- Highhanded: having no regard for the feelings or rights of others.
- Highly: to a high degree or level.
- Hilarious: extremely amusing.
- Hilariously: in an extremely amusing manner.
- Hilly: having many hills.
- Hindered: created difficulties for.
- Hinged: attached or joined with a hinge.
- Hinted: indirectly suggested.
- Hinting: indirectly suggesting.
- Hip: following the latest fashion.
- Hissing: making a sharp sibilant sound.
- Historic: famous or important in history.
- Historical: of or concerning history.
- Historiographic: relating to the writing of history.
- Histrionic: overly theatrical or melodramatic.
- Hitchhiking: traveling by getting free rides in passing vehicles.
- Hitherto: until now or until the point in time under discussion.
- Hoarding: accumulating a supply of.
- Hoarse: sounding rough and harsh.
- Hobnailed: having short, broad-headed nails.
- Holographic: of or relating to holograms.
- Holy: dedicated or consecrated to God.
- Homeless: without a home.
- Homelike: characteristic of a home.
- Homely: unattractive in appearance.
- Homemade: made at home.
- Homesick: experiencing a longing for one's home.
- Homespun: simple and unsophisticated.
- Homesteaded: established a homestead.
- Hometown: of or relating to one's native town or city.
- Homeward: toward home.
- Homey: comfortably informal and inviting.
- Homiletic: relating to preaching or sermons.
- Homing: relating to an animal's ability to return home.
- Homocentric: having the same center.
- Homoeopathic: relating to homeopathy.
- Homogeneous: of the same kind; alike.
- Homophonic: having the same sound.
- Homozygous: having two identical alleles of a particular gene.
- Honed: sharpened.
- Honest: free of deceit; truthful and sincere.
- Honeyed: sweet or kindly.
- Honorable: deserving of honor.
- Honorary: conferred as an honor.
- Honorific: giving or expressing respect.
- Hopeful: feeling or inspiring optimism.
- Hopeless: feeling or causing despair.
- Horizontal: parallel to the plane of the horizon.
- Horned: having horns.
- Horrendous: extremely unpleasant or horrifying.
- Horrible: causing horror.
- Horrid: very unpleasant or disagreeable.
- Horrific: causing horror.
- Horrified: filled with horror.
- Horrifying: causing horror.
- Hospitable: friendly and welcoming to guests.
- Hospitably: in a friendly and welcoming manner.
- Hostage: held captive.
- Hostile: unfriendly or antagonistic.
- Hot: having a high temperature.
- Hot-blooded: passionate or easily excitable.
- Hot-button: causing strong emotional reactions.
- Hot-tempered: easily angered.
- Hotheaded: easily angered.
- Hothouse: artificially heated or maintained at a high temperature.
- Hottest: having the highest temperature.
- Hounded: persistently harassed.
- Hourly: occurring every hour.
- Housebound: confined to one's home.
- Household: relating to a house or home.
- Hovelled: lived in a small, squalid, unpleasant, or simply constructed dwelling.
- Hovering: remaining in one place in the air.
- Huddled: crowded together.
- Hueful: full of color.
- Hueless: lacking color.
- Huge: extremely large.
- Huger: larger.
- Hugest: largest.
- Huggable: able to be hugged; cuddly.
- Hulking: large and threatening.
- Humane: having or showing compassion.
- Humanitarian: concerned with human welfare.
- Humanlike: resembling a human.
- Humble: having or showing a modest opinion of one's own importance.
- Humbler: more modest.
- Humbugging: deceiving or tricking.
- Humdrum: lacking excitement or variety.
- Humid: marked by a high level of water vapor in the air.
- Humiliated: made to feel ashamed or foolish.
- Humiliating: causing someone to feel ashamed or foolish.
- Humongous: huge.
- Humorous: causing laughter and amusement.
- Hunched: bent over.
- Hundredfold: multiplied by a hundred.
- Hungover: experiencing the aftereffects of excessive alcohol consumption.
- Hungry: feeling or displaying the need for food.
- Hunky: (informal) attractive and muscular.
- Hunted: being pursued.
- Hunting: searching for or pursuing game.
- Hurdled: jumped over.
- Hurried: done in a hurry.
- Hurtful: causing hurt or pain.
- Hushed: having a calm and still silence.
- Husky: strong and hefty.
- Hustling: working energetically and rapidly.
- Hybrid: of mixed character.
- Hydrated: having absorbed water.
- Hydraulic: operated by the pressure of a fluid.
- Hydro: related to water.
- Hygienic: conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease.
- Hyper: overactive.
- Hyperactive: abnormally or extremely active.
- Hyperbolic: exaggerated.
- Hypercompetitive: excessively competitive.
- Hypersensitive: excessively sensitive.
- Hypersonic: relating to speeds of five or more times that of sound in air.
- Hypnagogic: relating to the state immediately before falling asleep.
- Hypnotic: causing or producing a trance-like state.
- Hypnotized: put into a trance.
- Hypnotizing: putting into a trance.
- Hypochondriac: excessively worried about one's health.
- Hypocritical: pretending to have virtues, beliefs, or principles that one does not actually possess.
- Hypotensive: having abnormally low blood pressure.
- Hypothetical: based on or serving as a hypothesis.
- Hypotonic: having reduced pressure or tone.