Adjectives That Start With I
An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun. It provides more information about an object's size, shape, age, color, origin, or material.
Here is a comprehensive list of adjectives that start with the letter "I," organized alphabetically:
300+ Adjectives That Start With A
- Icy: Very cold; covered with ice.
- Ideal: Perfect; most suitable.
- Identifiable: Able to be recognized.
- Idiosyncratic: Peculiar or individual.
- Idle: Not active; not in use.
- Ill: Sick; unwell.
- Ill-fated: Destined for misfortune.
- Illegal: Against the law.
- Illogical: Lacking sense or clear reasoning.
- Illuminated: Lit up; made bright.
- Illustrative: Serving as an example.
- Imaginable: Possible to conceive.
- Imaginary: Existing only in the mind.
- Imaginative: Full of creativity.
- Imitative: Copying someone or something.
- Immature: Not fully developed.
- Immediate: Happening at once.
- Immense: Extremely large.
- Imminent: About to happen.
- Immobile: Unable to move.
- Immoderate: Excessive; extreme.
- Immoral: Not conforming to accepted standards of morality.
- Immortal: Living forever.
- Immovable: Unable to be moved.
- Impartial: Fair; unbiased.
- Impassable: Impossible to travel through.
- Impassioned: Filled with intense emotion.
- Impassive: Not feeling or showing emotion.
- Impatient: Not willing to wait.
- Impeccable: Flawless; perfect.
- Impenetrable: Impossible to pass through.
- Imperative: Absolutely necessary.
- Imperial: Relating to an empire.
- Imperious: Assuming power without justification.
- Imperishable: Enduring forever.
- Impermanent: Not lasting forever.
- Impersonal: Not influenced by personal feelings.
- Impertinent: Rude; disrespectful.
- Impervious: Not affected by something.
- Impetuous: Acting quickly without thought.
- Impish: Mischievous.
- Implacable: Unable to be appeased.
- Implausible: Not believable.
- Implementable: Capable of being put into effect.
- Implicit: Implied; not stated directly.
- Implied: Suggested but not directly expressed.
- Important: Of great significance.
- Imported: Brought in from another country.
- Imposing: Grand and impressive.
- Impossible: Not able to occur.
- Impoverished: Made poor.
- Impractical: Not sensible.
- Impressive: Evoking admiration.
- Improbable: Unlikely to happen.
- Impromptu: Done without preparation.
- Improper: Not correct.
- Improvable: Capable of being improved.
- Improved: Made better.
- Improvident: Not having foresight.
- Impulsive: Acting without thought.
- Inaccessible: Hard to reach.
- Inaccurate: Not correct.
- Inactive: Not active.
- Inadequate: Not sufficient.
- Inadmissible: Not accepted as valid.
- Inadvertent: Not deliberate.
- Inalienable: Unable to be taken away.
- Inane: Silly; stupid.
- Inanimate: Not alive.
- Inapplicable: Not relevant.
- Inappropriate: Not suitable.
- Inarguable: Cannot be disputed.
- Inarticulate: Unable to speak clearly.
- Inattentive: Not paying attention.
- Inaudible: Unable to be heard.
- Inauthentic: Not genuine.
- Incandescent: Emitting light when heated.
- Incapable: Lacking ability.
- Incautious: Careless.
- Incendiary: Designed to cause fires.
- Incensed: Very angry.
- Incessant: Continuing without pause.
- Incipient: Beginning to develop.
- Incisive: Clear and direct.
- Inclement: Stormy; harsh.
- Inclined: Likely to do something.
- Inclusive: Including all.
- Incoherent: Not logical or clear.
- Incomparable: Without equal.
- Incompatible: Not able to work together.
- Incomplete: Not finished.
- Incomprehensible: Not understandable.
- Inconceivable: Unimaginable.
- Inconclusive: Not leading to a conclusion.
- Incongruent: Not in harmony.
- Incongruous: Out of place.
- Inconsequential: Not important.
- Inconsiderate: Thoughtless.
- Inconsistent: Not staying the same.
- Inconspicuous: Not easily seen.
- Inconvenient: Causing trouble.
- Incorrect: Not correct.
- Incredible: Hard to believe.
- Incremental: Increasing gradually.
- Incumbent: Necessary as a duty.
- Incurable: Not able to be cured.
- Indebted: Owing gratitude.
- Indecent: Not proper.
- Indecisive: Unable to make decisions.
- Indefatigable: Tireless.
- Indefeasible: Not able to be undone.
- Indefensible: Not justifiable.
- Indefinable: Hard to describe.
- Indefinite: Not clearly defined.
- Indelible: Permanent.
- Indelicate: Lacking sensitivity.
- Indemnified: Compensated for loss.
- Independent: Free from outside control.
- Indescribable: Too extraordinary to describe.
- Indestructible: Not able to be destroyed.
- Indeterminate: Not fixed.
- Indicative: Showing something.
- Indigenous: Native to a place.
- Indigent: Poor.
- Indignant: Angry at unfair treatment.
- Indirect: Not direct.
- Indiscreet: Lacking caution.
- Indiscriminate: Without careful choice.
- Indispensable: Absolutely necessary.
- Indistinct: Not clear.
- Individual: Single; separate.
- Indivisible: Cannot be divided.
- Indomitable: Impossible to defeat.
- Indubitable: Cannot be doubted.
- Indulgent: Giving in to desires.
- Industrial: Related to industry.
- Ineffective: Not producing results.
- Ineffectual: Not effective.
- Inefficient: Not efficient.
- Inelastic: Not flexible.
- Inelegant: Not graceful.
- Ineligible: Not qualified.
- Ineluctable: Impossible to avoid.
- Inept: Clumsy.
- Inert: Lacking movement.
- Inevitable: Certain to happen.
- Inexact: Not precise.
- Inexcusable: Unforgivable.
- Inexhaustible: Cannot be used up.
- Inexorable: Impossible to stop.
- Inexpensive: Low in cost.
- Inexperienced: Lacking experience.
- Inexplicable: Cannot be explained.
- Inexpressible: Beyond words.
- Inextricable: Impossible to separate.
- Infamous: Known for bad reasons.
- Infantile: Childish.
- Inferior: Lower in rank.
- Infernal: Hellish.
- Infertile: Unable to reproduce.
- Infinite: Without end.
- Infinitesimal: Extremely small.
- Inflamed: Red and swollen.
- Inflammable: Easily set on fire.
- Inflammatory: Causing inflammation.
- Inflated: Filled with air.
- Inflexible: Not flexible.
- Influential: Having influence.
- Informal: Casual.
- Informative: Providing information.
- Informed: Having knowledge.
- Infuriating: Extremely annoying.
- Ingenious: Clever.
- Ingenuous: Innocent and naive.
- Ingrained: Deeply embedded.
- Ingratiating: Trying to gain favor.
- Inherent: Existing as a natural part.
- Inherited: Passed down from ancestors.
- Inhibited: Held back.
- Inhospitable: Not welcoming.
- Inhuman: Lacking human qualities.
- Inhumane: Cruel.
- Initial: First.
- Initiative: Taking action.
- Injured: Hurt.
- Innocent: Not guilty.
- Innocuous: Harmless.
- Innovative: New and creative.
- Inoperative: Not working.
- Inopportune: Not suitable.
- Inordinate: Excessive.
- Inorganic: Not organic.
- Inquisitive: Curious.
- Insane: Mentally ill.
- Insatiable: Impossible to satisfy.
- Inscrutable: Impossible to understand.
- Insecure: Not confident.
- Insensible: Not aware.
- Insensitive: Not caring.
- Insidious: Treacherous.
- Insignificant: Not important.
- Insincere: Not genuine.
- Insipid: Lacking flavor.
- Insolent: Rude.
- Insoluble: Cannot be dissolved.
- Insomniac: Unable to sleep.
- Inspiring: Motivating.
- Instant: Immediate.
- Instinctive: Done without thinking.
- Institutional: Related to an institution.
- Instructive: Providing knowledge.
- Instrumental: Serving as a means.
- Insufficient: Not enough.
- Insular: Isolated.
- Insulting: Disrespectful.
- Intact: Whole.
- Integral: Essential.
- Integrated: Combined.
- Intellectual: Relating to intellect.
- Intelligent: Smart.
- Intelligible: Understandable.
- Intemperate: Lacking self-control.
- Intended: Planned.
- Intense: Extreme.
- Intensive: Concentrated.
- Intentional: Done on purpose.
- Interactive: Involving interaction.
- Interchangeable: Can be exchanged.
- Interconnected: Linked.
- Interdependent: Dependent on each other.
- Interested: Showing interest.
- Interesting: Holding attention.
- Interim: Temporary.
- Interior: Inside.
- Intermittent: Occurring at intervals.
- Internal: Inside.
- International: Between nations.
- Interpersonal: Between people.
- Interrelated: Connected.
- Interstellar: Between stars.
- Intertwined: Twisted together.
- Intimate: Close.
- Intimidating: Frightening.
- Intolerable: Unbearable.
- Intolerant: Not accepting.
- Intonated: Spoken with tone.
- Intoxicating: Exhilarating.
- Intractable: Hard to control.
- Intransigent: Unwilling to change.
- Intricate: Complex.
- Intriguing: Fascinating.
- Intrinsic: Belonging naturally.
- Introduced: Brought into use.
- Introductory: Serving as an introduction.
- Introspective: Looking inward.
- Introverted: Shy.
- Intrusive: Invasive.
- Intuitive: Instinctive.
- Inundated: Overwhelmed.
- Invading: Entering by force.
- Invalid: Not valid.
- Invaluable: Extremely useful.
- Invasive: Spreading aggressively.
- Invigorating: Energizing.
- Invincible: Unbeatable.
- Inviolable: Cannot be violated.
- Invisible: Cannot be seen.
- Inviting: Attractive.
- Involuntary: Without conscious control.
- Involved: Complicated.
- Invulnerable: Impossible to harm.
- Iodized: Treated with iodine.
- Irascible: Easily angered.
- Irate: Very angry.
- Iridescent: Showing rainbow colors.
- Irksome: Annoying.
- Ironclad: Unbreakable.
- Ironic: Opposite of what is expected.
- Irrational: Not logical.
- Irregular: Not regular.
- Irrelevant: Not related.
- Irremovable: Cannot be removed.
- Irreplaceable: Cannot be replaced.
- Irrepressible: Uncontrollable.
- Irreproachable: Blameless.
- Irresistible: Impossible to resist.
- Irresolute: Uncertain.
- Irresponsible: Not responsible.
- Irreversible: Cannot be undone.
- Irritable: Easily annoyed.
- Irritating: Annoying.
- Isolated: Alone.
- Isosceles: Having two equal sides.
- Issuable: Can be issued.
- Italian: From Italy.
- Itchy: Causing a scratchy feeling.
- Itinerant: Traveling.
- Itty: Small.
- Itty-bitty: Very small.
- Ivory: Off-white.
- Ivy: Climbing plant.
- Ivy-covered: Covered with ivy.
- Izzy: A playful nickname.
- Izzyness: The quality of being playful.