Adjectives That Start With Q

Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns, adding detail and helping to convey specific qualities or characteristics.

Below is a list of adjectives that start with the letter Q, organized alphabetically:

Adjectives That Start With Q

  • Qabalistic: Relating to or characteristic of the mystical teachings of the Qabalah.

  • Quadrangular: Having four sides or angles.

  • Quadratic: Involving the second and no higher power of an unknown quantity or variable.

  • Quadridimensional: Having four dimensions, including three spatial dimensions and one time dimension.

  • Quadrilingual: Fluent in four languages.

  • Quadripartite: Divided into or involving four parts or parties.

  • Quadriphonic: Relating to or denoting sound reproduction using four channels.

  • Quadrivalent: Having a valence of four, typically in chemistry.

  • Quadrupedal: Walking on four legs.

  • Quaint: Attractively unusual or old-fashioned.

  • Qualifiable: Capable of being qualified or modified.

  • Qualified: Officially recognized as being trained to perform a particular job; certified.

  • Qualifying: Modifying the meaning of a word or phrase, or meeting the necessary requirements.

  • Qualitative: Relating to the quality or characteristics of something rather than its quantity.

  • Quality: The standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind.

  • Quantifiable: Capable of being measured or counted.

  • Quantitative: Relating to the quantity or amount of something.

  • Quantized: Converted into discrete quantities or levels.

  • Quarantined: Kept in isolation to prevent the spread of disease.

  • Quarrelsome: Inclined to argue or dispute.

  • Quartan: Recurring every fourth day, especially in relation to a fever.

  • Quasi: Seemingly; apparently but not really.

  • Quaternary: Fourth in order or rank.

  • Quaternate: Arranged in sets or groups of four.

  • Quaternional: Relating to or consisting of four elements or components.

  • Quavery: Shaky or trembling in voice.

  • Queasy: Nauseous; feeling sick.

  • Queenly: Resembling, befitting, or suitable for a queen.

  • Queer: Strange or odd from a conventional viewpoint.

  • Querulous: Complaining in a petulant or whining manner.

  • Quibbling: Arguing or raising objections about a trivial matter.

  • Quick: Moving fast or doing something in a short time.

  • Quick-acting: Producing effects or results quickly.

  • Quick-witted: Showing or characterized by an ability to think or respond quickly.

  • Quiescent: In a state of inactivity or dormancy.

  • Quiet: Making little or no noise.

  • Quietistic: Relating to a state of calm and quiet, especially in a religious context.

  • Quintessential: Representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.

  • Quintuple: Consisting of five parts or elements.

  • Quirky: Characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits.

  • Quivering: Trembling or shaking with a slight rapid motion.

  • Quixotic: Exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical.

  • Quizzical: Indicating mild or amused puzzlement.

  • Quodlibetic: Relating to or consisting of a quodlibet, a topic for philosophical or theological discussion.

  • Quodlibetical: Concerning a quodlibet or a whimsical combination of different tunes or themes.

  • Quoit-like: Resembling or having the shape of a quoit.

  • Quoitable: Suitable for or capable of being quoted.

  • Quoity: Having the characteristics or shape of a quoit.

  • Quonset: Relating to a type of prefabricated metal shelter with a semicircular arching roof.

  • Quorum-driven: Motivated or influenced by the presence of a quorum.

  • Quorum-sensing: A system of stimuli and response correlated to population density, often used in microbiology.

  • Quorum-set: The predetermined number of members that constitutes a quorum.

  • Quotable: Suitable for or worth quoting.

  • Quotational: Relating to the use or practice of quoting.

  • Quote-worthy: Worthy of being quoted.

  • Quoteless: Lacking quotes or quotations.

  • Quoteless-patriotism: Patriotism that is not based on or supported by famous quotes.

  • Quotidian: Occurring every day; daily.

  • Quotitive: Relating to or involving the action of quoting or the concept of a quotient.

  • Quozish: Resembling or characteristic of quoz; odd or peculiar.