Adjectives That Start With W
An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun, providing more information about its characteristics.
270+ Adjectives That Start With W
Wacky: Crazy or silly in an amusing way.
Wafer-thin: Extremely thin.
Waggish: Playfully humorous.
Waggling: Moving quickly up and down or side to side.
Wailing: Making a prolonged, high-pitched sound.
Waiting: Remaining in readiness.
Wakeful: Unable to sleep; alert.
Waking: Becoming awake or conscious.
Walled: Enclosed with walls.
Wan: Pale and giving the impression of illness.
Wandering: Moving aimlessly or without purpose.
Wanton: Deliberate and unprovoked.
War-torn: Severely damaged by war.
Warlike: Inclined to engage in war.
Warm: Having a moderate degree of heat.
Warm-blooded: Regulating body temperature internally.
Warm-hearted: Sympathetic and kind.
Warming: Causing to become warm.
Warned: Notified of danger or trouble.
Warning: Giving notice of possible danger.
Warranted: Justified or authorized.
Wary: Cautious about possible dangers.
Washable: Capable of being washed without damage.
Washed: Cleaned with water.
Washed-out: Faded or worn by washing.
Wasted: Used carelessly or without purpose.
Wasteful: Using or expending something of value carelessly.
Waster: Someone or something that uses resources inefficiently.
Watchful: Paying close attention.
Water-resistant: Able to resist the penetration of water.
Water-soluble: Capable of being dissolved in water.
Waterlogged: Saturated with water.
Watertight: Completely impermeable to water.
Watery: Containing or resembling water.
Waving: Moving one's hand to and fro.
Wavy: Having a series of curves.
Waxen: Having the appearance or texture of wax.
Wayfaring: Traveling on foot.
Wayward: Difficult to control or predict.
Weak-willed: Lacking the ability to resist impulses.
Wealthy: Having a great deal of money.
Weaponized: Adapted for use as a weapon.
Wearable: Suitable for wearing.
Wearied: Tired or exhausted.
Wearisome: Causing one to feel tired or bored.
Weary: Feeling or showing tiredness.
Weather-beaten: Worn by exposure to the weather.
Weathered: Changed in color or texture due to exposure to the weather.
Weatherproof: Resistant to weather conditions.
Weathertight: Sealed against the weather.
Weaving: Forming fabric by interlacing threads.
Webbed: Having the fingers or toes connected by a membrane.
Wedged: Forced into a narrow space.
Wee: Very small.
Weedy: Overgrown with weeds.
Weeklong: Lasting for a week.
Weeping: Shedding tears.
Weightless: Having little or no weight.
Weighty: Of great importance or seriousness.
Weird: Strange or unusual.
Welcome: Received with pleasure.
Well-adjusted: Mentally and emotionally stable.
Well-anchored: Securely fastened.
Well-balanced: In good proportion.
Well-behaved: Conducting oneself in an acceptable manner.
Well-bound: Securely tied or bound.
Well-built: Strongly and solidly constructed.
Well-chosen: Selected with good judgment.
Well-conceived: Thought out carefully.
Well-connected: Having important social contacts.
Well-crafted: Made with skill.
Well-defined: Clearly outlined.
Well-deserved: Fully merited.
Well-designed: Planned and made well.
Well-developed: Fully grown or matured.
Well-disguised: Effectively concealed.
Well-disposed: Having a positive attitude.
Well-done: Thoroughly cooked.
Well-drafted: Skillfully written.
Well-dressed: Wearing attractive clothes.
Well-earned: Deserved due to hard work or merit.
Well-educated: Having a good education.
Well-equipped: Having all necessary equipment.
Well-established: Having a recognized position.
Well-fed: Properly nourished.
Well-formed: Having a pleasing shape.
Well-founded: Based on good evidence.
Well-groomed: Neatly and tidily dressed.
Well-grounded: Based on sound reasoning.
Well-guarded: Carefully protected.
Well-handled: Managed efficiently.
Well-honed: Sharpened or perfected.
Well-informed: Having accurate information.
Well-intentioned: Having good intentions.
Well-kept: Maintained in good condition.
Well-knit: Firmly and tightly made.
Well-known: Famous or widely recognized.
Well-liked: Liked by many people.
Well-lit: Illuminated well.
Well-made: Made to a high standard.
Well-maintained: Kept in good condition.
Well-managed: Organized and controlled effectively.
Well-mannered: Polite and exhibiting good behavior.
Well-marked: Clearly indicated.
Well-matched: Suited well together.
Well-meaning: Having good intentions.
Well-muscled: Having well-developed muscles.
Well-nigh: Almost.
Well-nourished: Given adequate nutrition.
Well-off: Wealthy or financially comfortable.
Well-organized: Arranged in an orderly manner.
Well-placed: Positioned effectively.
Well-planned: Thought out carefully.
Well-prepared: Ready and equipped.
Well-presented: Displayed attractively.
Well-preserved: Kept in good condition over time.
Well-proportioned: Balanced in dimensions.
Well-read: Knowledgeable through extensive reading.
Well-received: Accepted positively.
Well-regarded: Held in high esteem.
Well-respected: Admired and respected.
Well-rounded: Balanced and varied.
Well-run: Managed efficiently.
Well-seasoned: Experienced.
Well-shaped: Having a good shape.
Well-spoken: Articulate and polite.
Well-suited: Appropriate or fitting.
Well-tempered: Good-natured.
Well-thought-out: Carefully considered.
Well-timed: Occurring at an opportune moment.
Well-to-do: Wealthy.
Well-toned: In good physical condition.
Well-traveled: Having traveled extensively.
Well-tuned: Adjusted to function well.
Well-used: Frequently utilized.
Well-versed: Knowledgeable about a subject.
Well-washed: Thoroughly cleaned.
Well-worn: Showing signs of extensive use.
Western: Relating to the Western world.
Westernized: Influenced by Western culture.
Wet: Covered or saturated with water.
Wet-nosed: Having a moist nose.
Whacky: Eccentric or crazy.
Wheezing: Breathing with a whistling sound.
Whet: Sharpened or stimulated.
Whilom: Former or erstwhile.
Whimpering: Making low, feeble sounds.
Whimsical: Playfully quaint or fanciful.
Whining: Complaining in a feeble way.
Whiny: Having a high-pitched, complaining tone.
Whirling: Moving rapidly around and around.
Whiskered: Having hair on the face.
Whispered: Spoken in a soft, quiet voice.
Whispering: Talking quietly or secretly.
Whispery: Soft and low in volume.
Whistling: Making a high-pitched sound by forcing air through a small hole.
White: Having the color of milk or fresh snow.
White-collar: Related to professional or clerical work.
White-haired: Having white hair.
White-hot: Extremely hot.
Whitewashed: Covered with a thin layer of white paint.
Whiz-bang: Impressive or skillful.
Whizzy: Fast and exciting.
Whole: Complete and entire.
Wholehearted: Sincere and enthusiastic.
Wholesalable: Suitable for sale in large quantities.
Wholesale: Sold in large quantities at a lower price.
Wholesome: Promoting health or well-being.
Whopping: Extremely large.
Wicked: Evil or morally wrong.
Wicked-smart: Extremely intelligent.
Wide: Extending over a large area.
Wide-eyed: Having eyes wide open in surprise or amazement.
Wide-open: Fully open.
Wide-ranging: Covering a large scope.
Widely-used: Commonly utilized.
Widespread: Found or distributed over a large area.
Widowed: Having lost one's spouse by death.
Wiggly: Moving with quick, short, irregular movements.
Wild: Living or growing in the natural environment.
Wild-eyed: Having a frantic or crazed expression.
Wild-western: Relating to the American Wild West.
Willful: Stubbornly determined.
Willing: Ready and eager to do something.
Willowy: Gracefully tall and slender.
Wily: Skilled at gaining an advantage, especially deceitfully.
Wimpish: Weak and cowardly.
Wimpy: Lacking courage or strength.
Windblown: Disheveled by the wind.
Winded: Out of breath.
Windproof: Resistant to the wind.
Windy: Characterized by strong winds.
Winged: Having wings.
Wingless: Lacking wings.
Winning: Gaining, resulting in, or relating to victory.
Winsome: Attractive or appealing in a fresh, innocent way.
Winter: Relating to the coldest season of the year.
Winterish: Reminiscent of winter.
Wintry: Characteristic of winter.
Wired: Equipped with wires or electrical connections.
Wiry: Lean, tough, and sinewy.
Wisdomless: Lacking wisdom.
Wise: Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.
Wishful: Having or expressing a desire or hope for something.
Wispy: Thin and weak.
Wistful: Having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing.
Withering: Intended to make someone feel humiliated.
Withheld: Held back or kept in reserve.
Wittily: In a manner showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor.
Witty: Showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor.
Wizardly: Resembling or characteristic of a wizard.
Wobbly: Tending to move unsteadily from side to side.
Woeful: Full of woe; very sad.
Wolfish: Resembling or likened to a wolf, especially in being rapacious, voracious, or lascivious.
Wombed: Contained or sheltered in a womb.
Wonderful: Inspiring delight, pleasure, or admiration.
Wondrous: Inspiring a feeling of wonder or delight.
Wonted: Habitual or usual.
Wooden: Made of wood.
Wooden-headed: Stupid or foolish.
Woolly-headed: Not thinking clearly.
Woozy: Unsteady, dizzy, or dazed.
Word-for-word: In exactly the same words.
Word-perfect: Exact in wording; free from errors in the text.
Wordless: Without words.
Wordy: Using or expressed in too many words.
Workable: Capable of being worked, fashioned, or managed.
Workaday: Ordinary, commonplace.
Workaholic: A person who works compulsively.
Workhorse: A person or machine that dependably performs hard work over a long period.
World-beating: Better than all others of its kind.
World-class: Among the best in the world.
World-weary: Feeling or indicating feelings of weariness, boredom, or cynicism as a result of long experience of life.
Worldly: Experienced and sophisticated.
Worldly-wise: Experienced in the ways of the world.
Worldwide: Extending or reaching throughout the world.
Wormlike: Resembling a worm in shape or movement.
Worn: Showing signs of wear or use.
Worn-out: Extremely tired; no longer usable because of wear.
Worried: Anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems.
Worrisome: Causing anxiety or concern.
Worry-free: Free from worry.
Worrying: Causing worry or anxiety.
Worse: Of lower quality or a more serious degree.
Worshipful: Feeling or showing reverence and adoration.
Worthless: Having no real value or use.
Worthwhile: Worth the time, money, or effort spent.
Worthy: Deserving effort, attention, or respect.
Wound-up: Tense or nervous.
Wounded: Injured, especially by a weapon.
Wounding: Causing an injury or hurt.
Wracked: Subjected to extreme stress or suffering.
Wracking: Causing extreme physical or mental pain.
Wraithlike: Ghostly or spectral.
Wrangled: Engaged in a long and complicated dispute.
Wrathful: Full of or characterized by intense anger.
Wreathing: Encircling or surrounding.
Wrecked: Severely damaged or destroyed.
Wretched: In a very unhappy or unfortunate state.
Wriggly: Twisting and turning with quick movements.
Wringing: Squeezing or twisting so as to extract moisture or liquid.
Wrinkle-free: Free from wrinkles.
Wrinkle-resistant: Resistant to wrinkling.
Wrinkled: Having many lines or folds.
Wrinkly: Full of wrinkles.
Writerly: Of or characteristic of a writer.
Written: Marked in or as if in letters or words.
Wrong: Not correct or true.
Wrong-footed: Caught off balance.
Wrongful: Unjust or unfair.
Wroth: Intensely angry.
Wry: Using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor.
Wryly: In a way that expresses dry, especially mocking, humor.
Wuthering: (of a wind) blowing fiercely.