List of Irregular Verbs
An irregular verb is a type of verb in English that does not follow the standard pattern of conjugation, particularly in forming its past tense or past participle.
Unlike regular verbs that simply add “-ed” to the base form, irregular verbs change form entirely, often in unpredictable ways.
List of 110+ Irregular Verbs
Arise: To begin or emerge.
Awake: To stop sleeping or to become aware.
Be: To exist or live.
Bear: To carry or endure.
Beat: To strike repeatedly.
Become: To begin to be.
Begin: To start something.
Bend: To shape something into a curve.
Bet: To wager or gamble.
Bind: To tie or secure something.
Bite: To use your teeth to cut into something.
Bleed: To lose blood.
Blow: To move air, usually by breathing out.
Break: To separate into pieces.
Breed: To produce offspring.
Bring: To carry or convey something to a place.
Broadcast: To transmit via radio or television.
Build: To construct by assembling parts.
Burn: To be consumed by fire.
Burst: To break open or apart suddenly.
Buy: To acquire in exchange for payment.
Catch: To seize or capture.
Choose: To pick out or select.
Come: To move toward a specific place.
Cost: To require payment.
Creep: To move slowly and quietly.
Cut: To divide into pieces with a sharp tool.
Deal: To distribute cards in a game or to manage.
Dig: To break up and move earth.
Do: To perform an action.
Draw: To produce a picture or diagram.
Dream: To experience images or thoughts during sleep.
Drink: To consume a liquid.
Drive: To operate a vehicle.
Eat: To consume food.
Fall: To drop or descend.
Feed: To give food to someone or something.
Feel: To experience a sensation.
Fight: To engage in a physical struggle.
Find: To discover something by searching.
Flee: To run away from danger.
Fly: To move through the air.
Forget: To fail to remember.
Forgive: To stop feeling angry or resentful.
Freeze: To turn into ice.
Get: To obtain or receive.
Give: To present something to someone.
Go: To move from one place to another.
Grow: To increase in size.
Hang: To suspend from a fixed point.
Have: To possess or hold.
Hear: To perceive sound.
Hide: To put something where it cannot be seen.
Hit: To strike something with force.
Hold: To grasp or carry.
Hurt: To cause pain or injury.
Keep: To retain possession of something.
Know: To be aware of something.
Lay: To place something down.
Lead: To guide or direct.
Leave: To go away from a place.
Lend: To give something to someone temporarily.
Let: To allow something to happen.
Lie: To rest in a horizontal position.
Light: To illuminate or make brighter.
Lose: To be unable to find something.
Make: To create or produce something.
Mean: To signify or represent.
Meet: To come into the presence of someone.
Pay: To give money in exchange for goods or services.
Put: To move something into a particular position.
Read: To look at and comprehend written text.
Ride: To sit on and control the movement of something.
Ring: To produce a sound, typically from a bell.
Rise: To move upward.
Run: To move swiftly on foot.
Say: To speak words.
See: To perceive with the eyes.
Seek: To attempt to find something.
Sell: To give something in exchange for money.
Send: To cause something to go or be taken to a particular destination.
Set: To put something in a specified place.
Shake: To move something back and forth quickly.
Shine: To emit light.
Shoot: To fire a weapon.
Show: To display or present.
Shrink: To become smaller in size.
Sing: To produce musical sounds with the voice.
Sit: To rest with the body supported by the buttocks.
Sleep: To rest with eyes closed and the mind inactive.
Speak: To communicate verbally.
Spend: To pay out money.
Stand: To be in an upright position.
Steal: To take something without permission.
Stick: To adhere to something.
Strike: To hit forcibly.
Swear: To make a solemn promise.
Sweat: To excrete moisture through the pores of the skin.
Sweep: To clean with a broom.
Swim: To move through water.
Take: To grasp and carry something.
Teach: To impart knowledge or skills.
Tear: To pull something apart.
Tell: To communicate information.
Think: To have a particular opinion.
Throw: To propel something with force through the air.
Understand: To grasp the meaning.
Wake: To cease to sleep.
Wear: To have clothing on the body.
Win: To achieve victory.
Write: To mark symbols on a surface, typically paper.