What Is a Regular Verb?
A regular verb is a verb that forms its past tense and past participle by adding -ed or -d to the base form.
List of 460+ Regular Verbs
Accept: To receive something willingly.
Achieve: To successfully complete or reach a goal.
Add: To put something together with another thing.
Admit: To confess or acknowledge something.
Allow: To permit something to happen.
Appear: To become visible.
Approach: To come near to something.
Argue: To discuss or debate a point.
Arrange: To put things in a specific order.
Arrive: To reach a destination.
Ask: To inquire or request information.
Attach: To fasten or join one thing to another.
Attack: To take aggressive action against.
Attempt: To make an effort to achieve something.
Attend: To be present at an event or place.
Attract: To draw attention or interest.
Avoid: To keep away from something.
Bake: To cook food by dry heat, typically in an oven.
Balance: To make something steady or equal.
Bathe: To wash oneself or someone else.
Beam: To smile radiantly.
Behave: To act in a particular way.
Belong: To be the property of someone.
Blink: To close and open the eyes quickly.
Boil: To heat a liquid until it bubbles.
Borrow: To take something temporarily with the intention of returning it.
Bounce: To spring back after hitting a surface.
Brake: To slow down or stop a vehicle.
Brush: To clean or tidy something using a brush.
Burn: To produce flames and heat.
Bury: To put something into the ground and cover it.
Call: To use a phone to speak to someone.
Camp: To stay in a tent or temporary shelter outdoors.
Carry: To hold and move something.
Carve: To cut something into a shape.
Chase: To run after someone or something.
Check: To examine something to ensure it is correct.
Chew: To bite and grind food with teeth.
Clap: To strike the hands together to make a sound.
Clean: To remove dirt from something.
Climb: To go up or ascend.
Close: To shut something.
Collect: To gather things together.
Color: To add color to something.
Comb: To untangle or arrange hair.
Communicate: To share or exchange information.
Compare: To examine the similarities and differences.
Complain: To express dissatisfaction.
Complete: To finish something.
Confess: To admit something.
Confuse: To make someone unable to think clearly.
Consider: To think carefully about something.
Construct: To build something.
Continue: To keep going.
Cook: To prepare food by heating it.
Copy: To make a duplicate of something.
Correct: To make something accurate.
Count: To determine the total number.
Cover: To place something over another thing.
Crash: To collide with something.
Crawl: To move on hands and knees.
Cross: To go from one side to the other.
Crush: To press something so hard that it breaks.
Cry: To shed tears.
Cuddle: To hold someone close in one's arms.
Curl: To form into a curved shape.
Curve: To bend something.
Cycle: To ride a bicycle.
Dance: To move rhythmically to music.
Decide: To make a choice.
Deliver: To bring something to someone.
Depend: To rely on something or someone.
Describe: To give details about something.
Design: To create a plan or drawing.
Destroy: To ruin or put an end to something.
Detect: To discover or identify something.
Develop: To grow or improve something.
Discover: To find something new.
Divide: To separate into parts.
Doubt: To feel uncertain about something.
Drag: To pull something along the ground.
Dress: To put clothes on.
Drift: To be carried slowly by a current.
Drop: To let something fall.
Dry: To remove moisture from something.
Dust: To remove dust from something.
Earn: To receive money for work done.
Educate: To teach or instruct.
Enjoy: To take pleasure in something.
Enter: To come or go into a place.
Entertain: To amuse or interest people.
Escape: To break free from confinement.
Examine: To inspect closely.
Excuse: To forgive or justify.
Exercise: To engage in physical activity.
Exist: To have being or live.
Expand: To increase in size.
Expect: To anticipate something.
Explain: To make something clear.
Explore: To travel through an unfamiliar area.
Extend: To make something longer.
Face: To confront or deal with.
Fade: To gradually become less bright.
Fail: To not succeed.
Fasten: To secure something.
Fear: To be afraid of something.
Fill: To make something full.
Film: To record a video.
Fire: To shoot a weapon or dismiss someone.
Fix: To repair something.
Flap: To move up and down or back and forth.
Flash: To shine brightly for a moment.
Float: To rest on the surface of a liquid.
Flood: To overflow with water.
Flow: To move smoothly.
Flower: To produce flowers.
Fold: To bend something over on itself.
Follow: To go after or come after.
Fool: To trick someone.
Form: To shape something.
Found: To establish or set up.
Frame: To enclose in a border.
Fry: To cook in hot oil.
Gather: To collect together.
Glow: To shine with a steady light.
Glue: To stick things together with glue.
Grab: To seize suddenly.
Grate: To shred into small pieces.
Greet: To welcome someone.
Grin: To smile broadly.
Grip: To hold tightly.
Guide: To show the way.
Hammer: To hit with a hammer.
Hand: To pass something to someone.
Handle: To manage or deal with something.
Hang: To suspend something.
Happen: To occur.
Harm: To cause damage or injury.
Heal: To make or become healthy again.
Heap: To pile things up.
Heat: To make something warm.
Help: To assist someone.
Hook: To fasten with a hook.
Hope: To desire something to happen.
Hunt: To chase animals for food or sport.
Hurry: To move or act quickly.
Identify: To recognize or name someone or something.
Imagine: To form a mental picture.
Improve: To make something better.
Include: To contain as part of something.
Increase: To make something larger.
Influence: To have an effect on something.
Inform: To give information.
Inject: To introduce something into the body with a needle.
Injure: To cause physical harm.
Instruct: To teach or direct.
Intend: To have a purpose or plan.
Interest: To attract attention.
Interrupt: To stop the progress of something.
Introduce: To make someone known.
Invent: To create something new.
Invite: To ask someone to come.
Irritate: To annoy someone.
Itch: To have an uncomfortable sensation on the skin.
Jail: To imprison someone.
Join: To connect or fasten things together.
Joke: To say something amusing.
Judge: To form an opinion about something.
Juggle: To keep several objects in motion in the air.
Jump: To push oneself off the ground.
Kick: To hit something with the foot.
Kill: To cause the death of someone or something.
Kiss: To touch with the lips as a sign of love.
Kneel: To rest on one's knees.
Knit: To make fabric by interlocking loops of yarn.
Knock: To strike a surface to make a noise.
Knot: To tie with a knot.
Label: To attach a tag or description.
Land: To come down onto the ground.
Last: To continue for a period of time.
Laugh: To make sounds of amusement.
Learn: To acquire knowledge.
Level: To make something even.
License: To grant permission.
Lift: To raise something.
Lighten: To make something lighter.
Like: To find something pleasant.
List: To write a series of items.
Listen: To pay attention to sound.
Live: To be alive.
Load: To put something into a container or vehicle.
Lock: To fasten with a key.
Long: To desire something.
Look: To direct one's gaze.
Love: To have deep affection for someone or something.
Manage: To control or be in charge of something.
Mark: To make a visible impression.
Mate: To pair for breeding.
Matter: To be of importance.
Measure: To determine the size of something.
Meddle: To interfere in something.
Melt: To change from solid to liquid.
Mention: To refer to something briefly.
Milk: To extract milk from an animal.
Mine: To extract minerals from the earth.
Miss: To fail to hit, reach, or notice something.
Mix: To combine two or more substances.
Moan: To make a long, low sound of pain or discomfort.
Mourn: To feel sorrow for the death of someone.
Move: To change position.
Mow: To cut down grass.
Nail: To fasten with a nail.
Name: To give a title to someone or something.
Need: To require something.
Notice: To become aware of something.
Number: To count or assign a number.
Obey: To follow orders or instructions.
Observe: To watch carefully.
Obtain: To get something.
Offer: To present something for acceptance.
Open: To move something to allow access.
Order: To arrange or command something.
Overflow: To spill over the edge.
Pack: To put things into a container.
Paint: To cover a surface with color.
Park: To place a vehicle in a designated spot.
Part: To separate from something.
Pass: To move past something.
Pat: To touch lightly with the hand.
Pause: To stop briefly.
Peal: To ring loudly.
Peck: To strike with a beak.
Pedal: To move a bicycle by pushing the pedals.
Peel: To remove the outer layer.
Perform: To carry out a task or action.
Permit: To allow something.
Phone: To call someone on the phone.
Pick: To choose or select something.
Pile: To stack things together.
Place: To put something in a particular position.
Plan: To arrange in advance.
Plant: To put a seed or plant in the ground.
Play: To engage in a game or activity.
Plow: To turn over soil with a plow.
Plug: To block or fill a hole.
Point: To direct attention to something.
Polish: To make something shiny by rubbing.
Pop: To make a small explosive sound.
Possess: To have something as one's own.
Post: To send something by mail.
Pour: To flow in a steady stream.
Practice: To do something repeatedly to improve.
Praise: To express admiration for someone or something.
Pray: To address a deity with adoration or supplication.
Preach: To deliver a sermon or religious message.
Predict: To say what will happen in the future.
Prefer: To like one thing more than another.
Prepare: To make ready.
Pretend: To act as if something is true when it is not.
Print: To produce text or images on paper.
Produce: To create or manufacture something.
Program: To write computer code.
Promise: To assure someone that something will happen.
Protect: To keep safe from harm.
Provide: To supply with what is needed.
Pull: To exert force to move something towards oneself.
Pump: To move liquid or gas with a pump.
Punch: To hit with a closed fist.
Punish: To inflict a penalty for an offense.
Purchase: To buy something.
Push: To exert force to move something away.
Question: To ask for information.
Queue: To form a line.
Race: To compete to be the fastest.
Raise: To lift something to a higher position.
Reach: To stretch out to touch or take something.
Realize: To become aware of something.
Receive: To get something.
Recognize: To identify someone or something.
Record: To make a copy of sound or images.
Reduce: To make something smaller.
Reflect: To throw back light or heat.
Refuse: To decline to accept something.
Regret: To feel sorrow for something.
Reign: To rule as a monarch.
Rejoice: To feel joy.
Relax: To rest or become less tense.
Release: To set free.
Rely: To depend on something.
Remember: To recall something from memory.
Remind: To cause someone to remember something.
Remove: To take something away.
Repair: To fix something.
Repeat: To say or do something again.
Replace: To take the place of something.
Reply: To answer.
Report: To give an account of something.
Reproduce: To make a copy of something.
Request: To ask for something.
Rescue: To save from danger.
Retire: To stop working.
Return: To go back to a place.
Rub: To move something back and forth on a surface.
Rule: To govern or control.
Run: To move quickly on foot.
Rush: To move with urgent haste.
Sail: To travel on water in a ship.
Satisfy: To fulfill a desire or need.
Save: To rescue from danger or harm.
Scare: To frighten someone.
Scatter: To throw in various directions.
Scrape: To remove by rubbing with a sharp object.
Scratch: To cut or damage a surface with a sharp object.
Scream: To make a loud, high-pitched sound.
Seal: To close something tightly.
Search: To look for something.
Separate: To divide into parts.
Serve: To perform duties or services for someone.
Settle: To resolve a dispute or reach an agreement.
Shade: To protect from light.
Share: To give a portion of something to others.
Shave: To remove hair with a razor.
Shelter: To provide protection.
Shock: To cause surprise or upset.
Shop: To visit stores to buy things.
Shout: To yell loudly.
Shrug: To raise and lower the shoulders.
Sigh: To exhale audibly to express emotion.
Sign: To write one's name.
Signal: To communicate with a gesture or sign.
Sing: To produce musical sounds with the voice.
Sip: To drink in small quantities.
Ski: To move on snow with skis.
Skip: To move in a light, springy manner.
Slam: To close something with force.
Sleep: To rest with closed eyes.
Slip: To slide unintentionally.
Slow: To reduce speed.
Smell: To perceive a scent.
Smile: To make a pleased expression.
Smoke: To inhale and exhale the smoke of tobacco.
Snatch: To seize quickly.
Sneeze: To expel air from the nose and mouth.
Sniff: To inhale through the nose.
Snow: To fall as snow.
Soak: To immerse in liquid.
Solve: To find an answer to a problem.
Spare: To give something as an extra.
Spark: To emit sparks of fire or electricity.
Spill: To cause liquid to flow over the edge.
Spoil: To ruin or decay.
Spray: To send out liquid in tiny drops.
Sprinkle: To scatter drops or particles.
Spy: To watch secretly.
Squeeze: To press firmly.
Stain: To leave a mark on something.
Stamp: To imprint a pattern or mark.
Stand: To be in an upright position.
Start: To begin.
Stay: To remain in one place.
Steer: To guide or direct.
Step: To move by lifting the foot.
Stick: To attach with an adhesive.
Stir: To mix with a circular motion.
Stitch: To sew with a needle and thread.
Stop: To cease movement.
Strengthen: To make stronger.
Stretch: To extend or reach out.
Strip: To remove the covering from something.
Stroke: To gently move one's hand over something.
Stuff: To fill with material.
Succeed: To achieve a goal.
Suffer: To experience pain or distress.
Suggest: To propose an idea.
Supply: To provide with necessary items.
Support: To give assistance.
Suppose: To assume something.
Surprise: To cause astonishment.
Surround: To enclose on all sides.
Suspect: To believe something without proof.
Suspend: To hang something.
Switch: To change the position of something.
Talk: To speak.
Tap: To strike lightly.
Taste: To perceive the flavor of something.
Teach: To instruct.
Tease: To make fun of someone.
Telephone: To call someone using a phone.
Tell: To communicate information.
Tend: To take care of something.
Test: To assess the quality of something.
Thank: To express gratitude.
Thaw: To melt something frozen.
Tick: To make a small, sharp sound.
Tie: To fasten with a knot.
Time: To measure the duration of something.
Tip: To give a small sum of money for a service.
Tire: To become weary.
Touch: To make physical contact.
Trace: To follow the outline of something.
Trade: To exchange goods or services.
Train: To teach skills or behavior.
Transport: To carry from one place to another.
Travel: To go from one place to another.
Treat: To handle or deal with something.
Trick: To deceive.
Trip: To stumble or fall.
Trouble: To cause problems.
Trust: To believe in someone's reliability.
Try: To attempt to do something.
Tug: To pull with force.
Tumble: To fall down.
Turn: To move in a circular direction.
Twist: To rotate.
Type: To write with a keyboard.
Underline: To draw a line under text.
Understand: To comprehend something.
Undress: To remove clothes.
Unfasten: To undo something.
Unite: To come together.
Unlock: To open with a key.
Unpack: To remove items from a container.
Untidy: To make a mess.
Use: To employ for a purpose.
Vanish: To disappear.
Visit: To go and see someone.
Voice: To express in words.
Volunteer: To offer to do something.
Wait: To stay until something happens.
Walk: To move on foot.
Wander: To move aimlessly.
Want: To desire something.
Warm: To make or become warm.
Warn: To inform of danger.
Wash: To clean with water.
Waste: To use carelessly.
Watch: To look at attentively.
Water: To pour water on plants.
Wave: To move the hand to greet.
Wear: To have on one's body.
Weigh: To measure weight.
Welcome: To greet hospitably.
Whine: To complain with a high-pitched voice.
Whip: To beat with a whip.
Whirl: To spin rapidly.
Whisper: To speak softly.
Whistle: To make a sound by blowing air.
Wink: To close and open one eye quickly.
Wipe: To clean by rubbing.
Wish: To want something to happen.
Wonder: To feel curiosity.
Work: To perform tasks.
Worry: To feel anxious.
Wrap: To cover with material.
Wreck: To destroy something.
Wriggle: To move with twisting motions.
Yawn: To open the mouth wide and inhale deeply.
Yell: To shout loudly.
Zip: To fasten with a zipper.
Zoom: To move quickly.