List of Strong Verbs
In business communication, choosing strong verbs can significantly enhance clarity and impact.
Below is a comprehensive list of strong verbs, sorted alphabetically:
List of 170+ Strong Verbs
Accomplish: to achieve a goal or task
Accumulate: to gather or collect over time
Adapt: to adjust to new conditions
Address: to direct attention to
Advise: to offer recommendations
Allocate: to distribute resources or duties
Analyze: to examine in detail
Anticipate: to foresee and act in advance
Appraise: to evaluate the worth of
Approve: to give consent or agreement
Articulate: to express clearly
Ascertain: to find out with certainty
Assemble: to bring together
Assess: to evaluate or estimate the nature of
Assist: to help or support
Audit: to conduct an official inspection
Augment: to increase or make larger
Authorize: to give official permission
Automate: to implement automatic procedures
Avoid: to keep away from
Balance: to keep or put something in a steady position
Benchmark: to measure against a standard
Boost: to enhance or increase
Brainstorm: to generate ideas
Broaden: to expand or make more inclusive
Budget: to plan expenditure
Build: to construct or develop
Calculate: to determine mathematically
Calculate: to determine mathematically
Capture: to take possession or control
Centralize: to bring under a single control
Certify: to confirm or attest
Clarify: to make clear or understandable
Classify: to arrange in categories
Coach: to train or instruct
Collaborate: to work together
Combine: to bring together
Communicate: to share or exchange information
Compare: to estimate similarities or differences
Compensate: to make up for something
Compile: to collect information from different sources
Complete: to finish making or doing
Comply: to act in accordance with rules or standards
Compose: to create or write
Compute: to calculate or reckon a figure
Conceive: to form an idea or plan
Conduct: to organize and carry out
Confirm: to establish the truth or correctness
Consolidate: to combine into a single entity
Delegate: to assign responsibility or authority
Deliver: to bring and hand over
Demonstrate: to show clearly
Design: to create a plan or drawing
Designate: to assign a name or role
Detect: to discover or identify the presence of
Determine: to ascertain or establish exactly
Develop: to grow or cause to grow
Devise: to plan or invent
Differentiate: to recognize what makes different
Direct: to manage or control
Distribute: to deliver to multiple recipients
Document: to record in detail
Draft: to prepare a preliminary version
Eliminate: to remove or get rid of
Emphasize: to give special importance to
Empower: to give power or authority
Enable: to make possible
Encourage: to give support or confidence
Endorse: to support publicly
Engage: to attract or involve
Enhance: to improve the quality of
Enlist: to engage the support of
Ensure: to make certain of
Establish: to set up on a firm basis
Estimate: to roughly calculate or judge
Evaluate: to assess the value or significance
Examine: to inspect thoroughly
Exceed: to go beyond what is allowed or stipulated
Expand: to increase in size, number, or importance
Expedite: to make happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly
Explore: to examine or investigate
Extend: to cause to cover a larger area
Extract: to remove or take out
Facilitate: to make an action or process easier
Finalize: to complete the details of
Forecast: to predict future events
Forecast: to predict or estimate
Formulate: to create or devise methodically
Foster: to encourage the development of
Fulfill: to complete or achieve
Gauge: to measure or assess
Generate: to produce or create
Govern: to conduct policy and affairs
Guide: to lead or direct
Handle: to manage or deal with
Harmonize: to bring into agreement
Highlight: to emphasize or make prominent
Hypothesize: to propose an explanation
Identify: to establish or indicate who or what
Illustrate: to clarify by giving an example
Implement: to put into action
Improve: to make better
Incorporate: to include as part of a whole
Increase: to make larger or greater
Influence: to have an effect on
Innovate: to introduce new ideas
Integrate: to combine with another
Interpret: to explain the meaning of
Investigate: to carry out research
Justify: to show or prove to be right
Launch: to start or set in motion
Lead: to guide or direct
Leverage: to use to maximum advantage
Locate: to find the position of
Manage: to be in charge of
Measure: to ascertain the size, amount, or degree
Mediate: to intervene to resolve differences
Modify: to change slightly
Motivate: to provide incentive
Navigate: to plan and direct
Negotiate: to discuss in order to reach an agreement
Observe: to watch carefully
Obtain: to acquire
Operate: to control the functioning of
Optimize: to make the best use of
Organize: to arrange systematically
Oversee: to supervise
Participate: to take part in
Perform: to carry out
Persuade: to convince
Plan: to devise a method
Predict: to say what will happen in the future
Prepare: to make ready
Present: to show or offer
Process: to perform a series of actions
Produce: to make or manufacture
Promote: to support or actively encourage
Propose: to put forward an idea
Provide: to make available
Publish: to prepare and issue for public sale
Purchase: to acquire by paying for
Recommend: to suggest as suitable
Recruit: to enlist
Reduce: to make smaller
Refine: to improve by making small changes
Reinforce: to strengthen
Resolve: to settle or find a solution
Review: to assess critically
Revise: to re-examine and make changes to
Schedule: to arrange to take place at a particular time
Select: to choose
Simplify: to make easier
Solve: to find an answer to
Strategize: to plan a strategy
Strengthen: to make stronger
Supervise: to oversee
Support: to give assistance to
Test: to take measures to check
Train: to develop skills
Transform: to change significantly
Translate: to express in another language
Understand: to grasp the meaning
Undertake: to commit oneself to
Unify: to bring together as one
Update: to bring up to date
Upgrade: to raise to a higher standard
Utilize: to make use of
Validate: to check the validity of
Value: to estimate the worth
Verify: to confirm the truth
Work: to be engaged in physical or mental activity
Write: to compose text
X-ray: to examine closely
Zoom: to move or travel quickly