May and Might Examples
When you are writing or speaking in English, you often need to express possibility, permission, or speculation. Two common modal verbs for these purposes are "may" and "might."
While they can sometimes be used interchangeably, "may" generally indicates a higher possibility, and "might" suggests a lower one.
Here are examples to help you understand their usage better:
Examples of "May"
You may accept the offer.
You may answer the call.
You may be late.
You may bring a friend.
You may buy a ticket.
You may call you back.
You may change your mind.
You may check the report.
You may choose a seat.
You may come to the meeting.
You may consider the proposal.
You may contact you tomorrow.
You may decide to stay.
You may deliver the package.
You may discuss the topic.
You may do the task.
You may finish early.
You may fix the issue.
You may follow the instructions.
You may get the documents.
You may give you a discount.
You may go to the event.
You may grant you access.
You may have a question.
You may help with the project.
You may join the team.
You may keep the book.
You may leave a message.
You may look into the matter.
You may make a decision.
You may meet you there.
You may offer a solution.
You may pay the bill.
You may plan the trip.
You may postpone the meeting.
You may prepare a report.
You may provide feedback.
You may read the email.
You may recommend a solution.
You may register for the course.
You may request a change.
You may review the contract.
You may schedule a call.
You may send an email.
You may sign the document.
You may start the project.
You may suggest an alternative.
You may take a break.
You may tell you more.
You may think about it.
You may try again.
You may update the system.
You may visit the office.
Examples of "Might"
You might accept the terms.
You might ask for help.
You might be interested.
You might become a member.
You might break the rule.
You might bring a gift.
You might call later.
You might change the plan.
You might check the status.
You might come with us.
You might consider the offer.
You might contact them.
You might decide tomorrow.
You might deliver the message.
You might discuss further.
You might do the job.
You might find a solution.
You might finish on time.
You might fix the problem.
You might follow up.
You might get approval.
You might give a presentation.
You might go to the seminar.
You might grant permission.
You might have an idea.
You might help out.
You might join the meeting.
You might keep in touch.
You might leave early.
You might look at the report.
You might make a call.
You might meet the deadline.
You might offer assistance.
You might pay attention.
You might plan the agenda.
You might post the notice.
You might prepare the documents.
You might provide an update.
You might reach out.
You might recommend a course.
You might register soon.
You might request an extension.
You might review the proposal.
You might save the date.
You might send a reminder.
You might sign up.
You might start the process.
You might suggest a meeting.
You might take notes.
You might tell a story.
You might think it over.
You might try the new system.
You might update your profile.
You might visit the site.