What Are Reflexive Verbs?

Reflexive verbs are an essential part of mastering English. They are used when the subject of the sentence performs an action on itself.

Understanding Reflexive Verbs

Reflexive verbs use reflexive pronouns to indicate that the subject and the object of the action are the same. Reflexive pronouns include myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves.


  • I taught myself Spanish.

  • She prepared herself for the exam.

  • They enjoyed themselves at the party.

Reflexive pronouns are necessary when the subject and object refer to the same entity. Omitting the reflexive pronoun can lead to confusion or a change in meaning.

Common Reflexive Verbs in English

Several verbs are frequently used reflexively in English. Here are some common reflexive verbs with examples:


  • Look at oneself: He looked at himself in the mirror.

  • Introduce oneself: Please introduce yourself to the group.

  • Blame oneself: She blamed herself for the mistake.

  • Enjoy oneself: They enjoyed themselves at the concert.

  • Prepare oneself: I prepared myself for the meeting.

These verbs often require a reflexive pronoun to convey that the action is performed on the subject itself.

Reflexive Verbs vs. Non-reflexive Verbs

Reflexive verbs differ from non-reflexive verbs because they indicate that the subject acts upon itself. Non-reflexive verbs involve different subjects and objects.


  • Reflexive: She cut herself while cooking.

  • Non-reflexive: She cut the vegetables while cooking.

  • Reflexive: I taught myself to play the piano.

  • Non-reflexive: I taught my brother to play the piano.

Mistakes to Avoid with Reflexive Verbs

Learners often make mistakes with reflexive verbs by using them incorrectly or omitting the reflexive pronoun.

Common Errors:

  • Incorrect: He hurt him. (This means he hurt another person)

  • Correct: He hurt himself.

  • Incorrect: She blamed her for the error.

  • Correct: She blamed herself for the error.

  • Incorrect: I taught himself the lesson.

  • Correct: I taught myself the lesson.

  • Incorrect: The book itself was on the table. (Unless emphasizing the book specifically)

  • Correct: The book was on the table.

Practice Exercises:

Rewrite these sentences correctly:

  • She enjoyed. (Correct: She enjoyed herself.)

  • I blame. (Correct: I blame myself.)

  • He introduced to the group. (Correct: He introduced himself to the group.)

  • They prepared for the exam. (Correct: They prepared themselves for the exam.)