Adjectives That Start With B
Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns and pronouns, providing more information about their qualities, quantities, or characteristics.
For instance, in the phrase "blue sky," the word "blue" is an adjective describing the noun "sky."
650+ Adjectives Starting with B
Baaing: Making the sound that a sheep makes.
Babbling: Talking rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible way.
Babied: Treated with excessive indulgence or care.
Babyish: Childishly immature or silly.
Bacchanalian: Characterized by or given to drunken revelry.
Bachelor: A man who is not and has never been married.
Backhanded: Indirect and ambiguous in meaning; insincere.
Backward: Directed behind or to the rear.
Bacterial: Relating to or caused by bacteria.
Bad: Of poor quality or a low standard.
Baffled: Totally bewildered or perplexed.
Baffling: Impossible to understand; perplexing.
Baggy: Loose and hanging in folds.
Baked: Cooked by dry heat in an oven.
Baleful: Threatening harm; menacing.
Balkan: Relating to the Balkan Peninsula or its inhabitants.
Ballistic: Extremely and usually suddenly excited, upset, or angry.
Balmy: Pleasantly warm.
Balsamic: Relating to or resembling balsam; soothing.
Baltic: Relating to the Baltic Sea or the region surrounding it.
Balustered: Having balusters or a row of balusters.
Balzacian: Relating to or characteristic of the works of the French writer Honoré de Balzac.
Banal: So lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring.
Bandaged: Covered with a bandage.
Bandit: A robber or outlaw belonging to a gang and typically operating in an isolated or lawless area.
Bandy: Having legs that curve outward at the knees.
Bangladeshi: Relating to Bangladesh or its people.
Bankable: Certain to bring profit and success.
Bankrupt: Declared in law unable to pay outstanding debts.
Banner: Excellent; outstanding.
Bantering: Playfully teasing.
Baptist: Relating to or denoting a Christian denomination advocating baptism only of adult believers by total immersion.
Barbarian: Relating to ancient barbarians.
Barbaric: Savagely cruel; exceedingly brutal.
Barbarous: Primitive and uncivilized.
Barbed: Having barbs or barbed wire.
Barbequed: Cooked over an open flame, typically on a grill.
Bare: Not clothed or covered.
Bared: Uncovered or exposed.
Barefoot: Without shoes.
Bareheaded: Without a hat.
Barfly: A person who spends a lot of time drinking in bars.
Bargain: Inexpensive; cheap.
Barking: Making a loud, harsh sound, like that of a dog.
Baroque: Relating to or denoting a style of European architecture, music, and art of the 17th and 18th centuries.
Barricaded: Blocked or defended with a barricade.
Barron: Misspelling of 'Baron', a nobleman.
Bartered: Exchanged goods or services without using money.
Base: Without moral principles; ignoble.
Based: Having a specified base or basis.
Baseless: Without foundation in fact.
Bashful: Reluctant to draw attention to oneself; shy.
Basic: Forming an essential foundation or starting point.
Basilican: Relating to or resembling a basilica.
Basinal: Relating to a basin.
Bassy: Producing or having a lot of bass sounds.
Bastard: Born of parents not married to each other; illegitimate.
Bastioned: Fortified with bastions.
Bathetic: Producing an unintentional effect of anticlimax.
Bathing: Washing oneself or soaking in water.
Baton: A thin stick used by a conductor to direct an orchestra.
Battled: Engaged in or involved in conflict.
Battlemented: Having battlements, as in the parapet of a castle.
Batty: Crazy or eccentric.
Bauhaus: Relating to the Bauhaus school of design.
Bawdy: Dealing with sexual matters in a comical way; humorously indecent.
Bayesian: Relating to statistical methods based on Bayes' theorem.
Beaded: Decorated or covered with beads.
Beady: Small, round, and shiny.
Beaming: Radiating light or happiness.
Bearable: Able to be endured.
Beard: Having facial hair.
Bearded: Having a beard.
Beastly: Very unpleasant.
Beatific: Blissfully happy.
Beating: Striking repeatedly with great force.
Beatless: Without a beat; silent.
Beatnik: A person who participated in a social movement of the 1950s and 1960s.
Beau: A boyfriend or male admirer.
Beauteous: Beautiful.
Beautiful: Pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.
Beckoning: Making a gesture to encourage someone to approach or follow.
Becoming: Flattering a person's appearance.
Bedazzled: Impressed greatly by outstanding ability or striking appearance.
Bedded: Provided with beds or arranged in layers.
Bedouin: Relating to the nomadic Arabs of the desert.
Befitting: Appropriate to the occasion.
Befogged: Confused or puzzled.
Befuddled: Unable to think clearly; confused.
Begged: Asked earnestly or humbly.
Begging: Asking for something earnestly or humbly.
Begin: To start or commence.
Beguiled: Charmed or enchanted, often in a deceptive way.
Beholden: Owing thanks or having a duty to someone.
Beige: A light sandy yellowish-brown color.
Belgian: Relating to Belgium or its people.
Believable: Able to be believed; credible.
Belittled: Made to seem less impressive or important.
Bellicose: Demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight.
Bellied: Having a belly, especially of a specified kind.
Belligerent: Hostile and aggressive.
Beloved: Dearly loved.
Belowground: Situated below the surface of the ground.
Belting: Loud and forceful.
Beltless: Without a belt.
Beltlike: Resembling a belt.
Beneficial: Resulting in good; favorable or advantageous.
Benevolent: Well-meaning and kindly.
Benighted: In a state of pitiful or contemptible intellectual or moral ignorance.
Benign: Gentle and kindly.
Bent: Sharply curved or having an angle.
Benzene: Relating to or containing benzene, a chemical compound.
Bereaved: Deprived of a close relation or friend through their death.
Bereft: Deprived of or lacking something.
Bergen: Relating to Bergen, a city in Norway.
Beribboned: Decorated with ribbons.
Berserk: Out of control with anger or excitement; wild or frenzied.
Besotted: Strongly infatuated.
Bespectacled: Wearing eyeglasses.
Bespoke: Made to order.
Best: Of the highest quality, excellence, or standing.
Bestial: Of or like an animal.
Bet: Placed a wager.
Beta: Second in position.
Betrayed: Exposed to danger by treacherously giving information to an enemy.
Betrothed: Engaged to be married.
Bewildered: Perplexed and confused.
Bewitched: Cast a spell on and gained control over.
Bewitching: Enchanting or delightful.
Biblical: Relating to or contained in the Bible.
Bibliographic: Relating to bibliography.
Bibliographical: Of or relating to the history, identification, or description of writings or publications.
Bibliophile: A person who loves or collects books.
Bicyclic: Containing two rings in its molecular structure.
Biddable: Meekly ready to accept and follow instructions.
Bifacial: Having two faces or surfaces.
Bifocal: Having lenses each with two parts with different focal lengths.
Bifurcate: Divided into two branches or forks.
Big: Of considerable size or extent.
Big-bellied: Having a large belly.
Big-headed: Having an exaggerated opinion of oneself.
Big-hearted: Generous and kind.
Big-league: Of the highest level or quality.
Big-money: Involving large sums of money.
Big-name: Having a reputation or fame.
Big-picture: Relating to the overall perspective.
Big-spending: Spending a lot of money.
Big-ticket: Expensive or costly.
Big-time: Of major importance or significance.
Big-timer: A person of importance or influence.
Bigamous: Involving or guilty of bigamy.
Bigger: Of greater size.
Biggest: Of the greatest size.
Bigoted: Unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction.
Bilateral: Having or relating to two sides; affecting both sides.
Biliary: Relating to bile or the bile duct.
Bilingual: Able to speak two languages fluently.
Bilious: Affected by or associated with nausea or vomiting.
Billowing: Moving or flowing outward with an undulating motion.
Bilobate: Divided into two lobes.
Bilobed: Having two lobes.
Bimetallic: Composed of two different metals.
Binary: Relating to, composed of, or involving two things.
Binaural: Relating to or used with both ears.
Binding: Involving an obligation that cannot be broken.
Binocular: Adapted for or using both eyes.
Binomial: Consisting of two terms.
Biocentric: Considering all forms of life as having intrinsic value.
Biochemical: Relating to the chemical processes and substances in living organisms.
Biodegradable: Capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms.
Biodynamic: Relating to a system of farming that uses only organic materials.
Bioethical: Relating to the ethical implications of biological research and applications.
Biogenic: Produced or brought about by living organisms.
Biographical: Relating to an account of a person's life.
Biological: Relating to biology or living organisms.
Bioluminescent: Emitting light as a result of a biological process.
Biomorphic: Having a form or shape derived from living organisms.
Bionic: Having artificial body parts, especially electromechanical ones.
Biophysical: Relating to the science of the application of the laws of physics to biological phenomena.
Biparous: Producing two offspring at a time.
Bipartisan: Involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties that usually oppose each other's policies.
Bipartite: Involving or made by two separate parties.
Bipolar: Having or relating to two poles or extremities.
Biracial: Concerning or containing members of two racial groups.
Birch: Relating to or resembling a birch tree.
Birdlike: Resembling or characteristic of a bird.
Birken: Pertaining to or characteristic of a birch.
Birkie: An energetic and lively person.
Birth: Relating to the beginning or origin.
Birthing: Relating to childbirth.
Biscuit: Having a light brown color.
Biscuity: Resembling or tasting like a biscuit.
Bisectional: Involving or resulting from a division into two parts.
Bisexual: Attracted to both men and women.
Bishop: Relating to or characteristic of a bishop.
Bishop-like: Resembling or characteristic of a bishop.
Bismuth: Relating to or containing bismuth.
Bismuthic: Containing bismuth.
Bismuthiferous: Yielding bismuth.
Bismutiferous: Containing or yielding bismuth.
Bisque: Having a pale pinkish-brown color.
Bistable: Capable of assuming either of two stable states.
Bistate: Involving or relating to two states.
Bistouried: Equipped with or using a bistoury (a small surgical knife).
Bitable: Capable of being bitten.
Bitchy: Malicious or spiteful.
Bite-sized: Small enough to be eaten in one bite.
Biting: Able to cut or pierce; sharp.
Bitten: Having been bitten.
Bitter: Having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet.
Bitterish: Somewhat bitter.
Bittersweet: Both bitter and sweet.
Bivalent: Having or involving two valences.
Bivouacked: Sheltered in a temporary camp without cover.
Bizarre: Very strange or unusual.
Blabbing: Talking excessively and revealing secrets.
Blabby: Prone to talking too much and revealing secrets.
Black: Of the very darkest color.
Blackened: Made black, especially as a result of burning or charring.
Blackguardly: Dishonorable; scoundrel-like.
Blackish: Somewhat black.
Blamable: Deserving of blame.
Blamed: Assigned responsibility for a fault or wrong.
Blameful: Deserving of blame.
Blameless: Innocent of wrongdoing.
Blanched: Made white or pale by extracting color.
Bland: Lacking strong features or characteristics; uninteresting.
Blank: Empty or clear, not marked or filled in.
Blanketed: Covered completely with a blanket or layer.
Blase: Unimpressed or indifferent to something because one has experienced or seen it so often before.
Blasphemous: Sacrilegious against God or sacred things.
Blasted: Damaged or destroyed by an explosion or some other destructive force.
Blatant: Done openly and unashamedly.
Blazing: Burning fiercely and brightly.
Bleached: Whitened by exposure to sunlight or by a chemical process.
Bleak: Lacking vegetation and exposed to the elements.
Bleary: Unfocused or filmy from sleep or tiredness.
Bleeding: Losing blood from the body.
Blended: Mixed together thoroughly.
Blending: Mixing or combining.
Blessable: Worthy of being blessed.
Blessed: Endowed with divine favor and protection.
Blest: Alternative form of "blessed."
Blind: Unable to see.
Blinded: Deprived of sight.
Blindfolded: Wearing a cloth over the eyes to prevent sight.
Blinding: Dazzlingly bright.
Blinkered: Having or showing a limited outlook.
Blissful: Full of joy and happiness.
Blistered: Covered with blisters.
Blistering: Extremely hot.
Blithe: Showing a casual and cheerful indifference.
Bloated: Swollen with fluid or gas.
Blobbed: Formed into drops or blobs.
Blockaded: Surrounded and isolated by military forces.
Blocked: Obstructed so that nothing can pass through.
Blockish: Resembling a block.
Blocky: Having a chunky or square shape.
Blonde: Fair-haired and light-skinned.
Blood-curdling: Causing terror or horror.
Blood-spattered: Covered or stained with blood spots.
Blood-stained: Marked or covered with blood.
Blooded: Having blood, especially of a specified kind.
Bloodied: Covered or smeared with blood.
Bloodless: Lacking blood or apparently lifeless.
Bloodshot: Having red and inflamed eyes.
Bloodthirsty: Eager to shed blood.
Bloody: Covered or smeared with blood.
Bloomed: Having flowers that have opened.
Blooming: Producing flowers; flourishing.
Blossoming: Producing flowers or developing.
Blotched: Marked with irregularly shaped spots.
Blotchy: Covered with blotches.
Blotted: Soaked up or removed with an absorbent material.
Blowing: Moving with a current of air.
Blown: Swollen or inflated.
Blubbering: Crying noisily and uncontrollably.
Blue: Of the color of the clear sky.
Blue-black: Dark blue to black in color.
Blue-blooded: Of noble birth.
Blue-collar: Relating to manual work or workers.
Blue-eyed: Having blue-colored eyes.
Blue-gray: Of a grayish-blue color.
Blue-green: Between blue and green in color.
Blueish: Slightly blue.
Bluish: Having a blue tint.
Blunt: Having a worn-down edge or point; not sharp.
Blunted: Made less sharp.
Blurred: Made less distinct or clear.
Blurry: Unclear or smeared.
Blushing: Having a red face from embarrassment.
Blusterous: Characterized by strong, turbulent winds.
Blustery: Characterized by strong winds.
Boastful: Showing excessive pride in one's achievements.
Boasting: Bragging about oneself.
Boating: Relating to the activity of traveling in a boat.
Bobbing: Moving up and down quickly.
Bodacious: Excellent or impressive.
Bodied: Having a body, especially of a specified kind.
Bodiless: Without a body.
Bodily: Relating to the body.
Boggy: Wet and spongy.
Bohemian: Unconventional in social habits, typically artistic.
Boiled: Cooked in boiling water.
Boisterous: Noisy, energetic, and cheerful.
Bold: Showing a willingness to take risks.
Bold-faced: Shameless and audacious.
Bolivian: Relating to Bolivia or its people.
Bollixed: Botched or bungled.
Bolstered: Supported or strengthened.
Bolted: Fastened with a bolt.
Bomb-proof: Designed to resist the effects of a bomb.
Bombastic: High-sounding but with little meaning.
Bombed: Hit by bombs or very drunk.
Boneless: Without bones.
Bonny: Attractive or beautiful.
Bony: Consisting of or resembling bone.
Booby-trapped: Rigged with an explosive device.
Bookish: Devoted to reading and studying rather than worldly interests.
Boolean: Relating to a system of algebraic notation.
Boom: Prosperous or flourishing.
Booming: Having rapid growth or success.
Boon: A thing that is helpful or beneficial.
Boorish: Rough and bad-mannered.
Boosted: Increased or raised.
Booted: Wearing boots.
Bootleg: Made, distributed, or sold illegally.
Bordered: Having a border.
Bordering: Being next to or adjoining.
Boreal: Relating to the north.
Bored: Feeling weary and impatient.
Boring: Not interesting; tedious.
Born: Brought into existence.
Born-again: Having experienced a spiritual rebirth.
Bosom: Close or intimate.
Boss-eyed: Cross-eyed.
Bossed: Decorated with a raised pattern.
Bossy: Fond of giving orders.
Botanical: Relating to plants.
Both: Used to refer to two things.
Bothered: Worried or concerned.
Bottled: Contained or kept in a bottle.
Bottom: The lowest part.
Bottomed: Having a specified type of bottom.
Bottoming: Forming the bottom of something.
Bottomless: Without a bottom; very deep.
Bouffant: Styled so as to puff out in a rounded shape.
Bounced: Moved quickly in a particular direction.
Bouncing: Very lively and healthy.
Bouncy: Bouncing or causing things to bounce.
Bountiful: Large in quantity; abundant.
Bourgeois: Characteristic of the middle class.
Bovine: Relating to or affecting cattle.
Bowed: Bent downward and forward.
Bowel: Relating to the intestines.
Boxed: Packaged in a box.
Boxy: Shaped like a box.
Boyish: Characteristic of a boy.
Braced: Supported or held steady.
Braceleted: Wearing a bracelet.
Bracing: Fresh and invigorating.
Brackish: Slightly salty.
Bracteate: Having bracts.
Bracteolate: Having small bracts.
Bractless: Without bracts.
Bragging: Boasting about oneself.
Braided: Formed by intertwining strands.
Brain-dead: Lacking intelligence or vitality.
Brainish: Headstrong or impetuous.
Brainless: Stupid or foolish.
Brainstorming: Producing ideas through spontaneous group discussion.
Brainwashed: Made to adopt radically different beliefs by using systematic and forcible pressure.
Brainwashing: Subjecting to intensive forced indoctrination.
Brainy: Intelligent.
Braised: Cooked slowly in a covered dish.
Brake: Capable of stopping or slowing down.
Braking: Slowing down or stopping a vehicle.
Bramble: Relating to a rough, prickly shrub.
Brambly: Full of or resembling brambles.
Branchial: Relating to gills.
Branching: Diverging or spreading out.
Branchiopod: Relating to a group of small crustaceans.
Branchless: Without branches.
Branchlike: Resembling a branch.
Branchy: Having many branches.
Brand-new: Completely new.
Brandable: Suitable for branding.
Branded: Marked with a branding iron.
Brandying: Relating to or involving brandy.
Brandyish: Resembling brandy.
Brannigan: A noisy or quarrelsome person.
Brannock: Relating to the Brannock Device, a foot-measuring tool.
Branny: Resembling bran.
Brant: Relating to a small goose.
Brash: Self-assertive in a rude or overbearing way.
Brasher: More brash.
Brashest: Most brash.
Brashy: Characterized by brashness.
Brass: Made of or resembling brass.
Brassy: Resembling brass in color or loudness.
Brattish: Childishly sulky or bad-tempered.
Bratty: Acting like a brat.
Bravado: A show of boldness intended to impress.
Brave: Ready to face and endure danger.
Braver: More brave.
Bravery: Courageous behavior.
Bravest: Most brave.
Braw: Fine or excellent.
Brawling: Fighting or quarreling noisily.
Brawly: In a brawling manner.
Brawn: Physical strength.
Brawny: Physically strong and muscular.
Brazen: Bold and without shame.
Braziery: Relating to or resembling a brazier.
Brazilian: Relating to Brazil or its people.
Breached: Broken through.
Breaded: Coated with breadcrumbs.
Breadless: Without bread.
Breadlike: Resembling bread.
Breadly: Relating to or characteristic of bread.
Breadthless: Lacking breadth or width.
Breakable: Capable of being broken.
Breakaway: Designed to break off under stress.
Breakback: Capable of breaking the back.
Breakbone: Causing severe pain in the bones.
Breakneck: Dangerously or extremely fast.
Breakout: A forcible escape.
Breakthrough: An advance or discovery.
Breakwater: A barrier built to protect a coast from the force of waves.
Breathable: Allowing air to pass through.
Breathed: Taken in air.
Breathing: Moving air in and out of the lungs.
Breathless: Without breath or breathing heavily.
Breech: Relating to the rear or lower part.
Breeched: Wearing breeches.
Breechless: Without breeches.
Breeding: Producing offspring.
Breezeless: Without a breeze.
Breezy: Pleasantly windy.
Brevicaudate: Having a short tail.
Brevicipitid: Relating to a family of frogs with short heads.
Brevicollar: Having a short neck.
Brevilineal: Having short lines.
Brevilingual: Having a short tongue.
Breviped: Having short feet.
Brevipennate: Having short wings.
Brevipenniform: Having short wing-like structures.
Breviquadratic: Having short quadrate bones.
Breviradiate: Having short rays.
Brevirostral: Having a short beak.
Brevirostrate: Having a short beak or snout.
Brevitertial: Having short tertial feathers.
Brevity: Shortness of time or duration.
Brewed: Made by soaking, boiling, and fermentation.
Bribable: Capable of being bribed.
Bribeable: Alternative spelling of "bribable."
Bribed: Given money or other inducements to act dishonestly.
Brickish: Resembling or relating to bricks.
Bricky: Full of bricks.
Bridal: Relating to a bride or a wedding.
Bride: Relating to a woman on her wedding day.
Bridegroomly: Relating to a bridegroom.
Bridgeless: Without a bridge.
Bridgelike: Resembling a bridge.
Bridging: Forming a bridge over.
Brief: Lasting a short time.
Briefed: Given instructions or information.
Briefest: Most brief.
Briefing: Giving instructions or information.
Briefless: Without briefs (legal documents).
Bright: Emitting or reflecting light.
Brightening: Making or becoming bright.
Brightish: Somewhat bright.
Brill: Excellent or brilliant.
Brilliant: Exceptionally clever or talented.
Brimful: Full to the brim.
Brimming: Filled to the point of overflowing.
Brindle: Having a gray or brown streak or a pattern or a patchy coloring.
Brineless: Without brine.
Brinily: In a briny manner.
Brinish: Somewhat salty.
Brinny: Full of brine.
Briny: Salty like seawater.
Brioche: Relating to a light, sweet yeast bread.
Briolette: Relating to a pear-shaped gemstone.
Briony: Relating to a climbing plant with greenish flowers and berries.
Briquette: Relating to a block of compressed charcoal or coal dust.
Brisk: Active and energetic.
Brisket: Relating to the breast or lower chest.
Brisking: Making brisk or lively.
Bristle: Having stiff, coarse hairs.
Bristleless: Without bristles.
Bristlelike: Resembling bristles.
Bristly: Having or covered with bristles.
British: Relating to Great Britain or its people.
Britisher: A person from Britain.
Briton: A native or inhabitant of Britain.
Brittle: Hard but liable to break or shatter easily.
Broach: Raised for discussion.
Broached: Brought up for discussion.
Broad: Having an ample distance from side to side.
Broad-based: Having a wide base.
Broad-bladed: Having a wide blade.
Broad-brimmed: Having a wide brim.
Broad-gauge: Wide-ranging or comprehensive.
Broad-leafed: Having wide leaves.
Broad-minded: Tolerant or liberal in views and attitudes.
Broad-mouthed: Having a wide mouth.
Broad-nibbed: Having a wide nib.
Broad-ranging: Covering a wide range.
Broad-scale: Involving or affecting many areas or parts.
Broad-spanned: Having a wide span.
Broad-spectrum: Effective against a wide variety of organisms.
Broadband: Relating to a high-capacity transmission technique.
Broadcast: Transmitted by radio or television.
Broadcasting: Relating to the transmission of programs by radio or television.
Broadened: Made wider or more inclusive.
Broader: Having a greater breadth.
Broadest: Having the greatest breadth.
Broadloom: Woven on a wide loom.
Broadminded: Tolerant or liberal in views and attitudes.
Broadside: A strong or comprehensive attack.
Broadwise: Widthwise or sideways.
Brocaded: Woven with a raised pattern.
Brocatelle: Relating to a heavy brocaded fabric.
Broch: Relating to a type of ancient Scottish stone tower.
Brocken: Relating to the highest peak of the Harz Mountains in Germany.
Brocket: Relating to a small deer.
Broderick: Relating to a personal name.
Brody: Relating to a personal name.
Brogan: Relating to a type of heavy work shoe.
Brogger: Relating to a personal name.
Broguery: The use of a brogue, especially an Irish accent.
Broguish: Relating to or characteristic of a brogue.
Broid: Embroidered.
Broidered: Decorated with needlework.
Broideress: A female embroiderer.
Broig: Relating to a personal name.
Broiling: Extremely hot.
Brokage: Relating to the act of brokering.
Broken: Damaged or no longer in one piece.
Broken-down: In a state of disrepair.
Broken-hearted: Overwhelmed by grief or disappointment.
Broken-nosed: Having a nose that has been broken.
Broken-tooth: Having a tooth that has been broken.
Broker: Relating to a person who buys and sells goods or assets for others.
Brokerage: Relating to the business of a broker.
Brokered: Arranged or negotiated.
Brome: Relating to a genus of grasses.
Bromeliad: Relating to a family of tropical American plants.
Brominated: Treated or reacted with bromine.
Bromometric: Relating to the measurement of bromine.
Bromometrical: Relating to the measurement of bromine.
Bromophyte: Relating to a plant that thrives in bromine-rich environments.
Bromotic: Relating to or resembling bromine.
Bronchio: Relating to the bronchi.
Bronchitic: Relating to bronchitis.
Broncho: Relating to the bronchi or bronchioles.
Bronchoscopic: Relating to bronchoscopy.
Bronchospasm: Relating to a spasm of the bronchial muscles.
Bronchospastic: Relating to bronchospasm.
Bronzefaced: Having a face that resembles bronze in color or appearance.
Bronzy: Resembling bronze in color.
Brooding: Engaged in or showing deep thought.
Brooklike: Resembling a brook.
Brookly: Relating to a personal name.
Brooky: Resembling a brook.
Broom: Relating to a cleaning tool with a bundle of straws or twigs attached to a long handle.
Broomed: Cleaned or swept with a broom.
Brooming: Sweeping with a broom.
Broomstick: Relating to a stick used for making a broom.
Broomweed: Relating to a plant that resembles a broom.
Broomwort: Relating to a plant that resembles a broom.
Brosier: Relating to a personal name.
Bross: Relating to a personal name.
Brother-in-law: Relating to the brother of one's spouse.
Brotherless: Without a brother.
Brothers-in-arms: Relating to fellow soldiers.
Brothership: Relating to brotherhood.
Brougham: Relating to a type of horse-drawn carriage.
Brouhaha: A noisy and overexcited reaction or response.
Bround: Rounded or curved.
Broust: Relating to a Scottish term for a loud noise or disturbance.
Browband: Relating to a band worn across the brow.
Browbeating: Intimidating someone into doing something with stern or abusive words.
Browed: Having eyebrows.
Brown: Of a color produced by mixing red, yellow, and blue.
Brownish: Somewhat brown.
Brownish-yellow: Between brown and yellow in color.
Browntail: Relating to a type of moth with brown-tipped tails.
Brownwort: Relating to a plant with brown-colored leaves or flowers.
Browsable: Able to be browsed or looked through.
Browsed: Looked through casually.
Browsing: Looking through casually.
Brucine: Relating to a bitter alkaloid.
Brucite: Relating to a mineral consisting of magnesium hydroxide.
Brucitic: Relating to or containing brucite.
Bruegel: Relating to the Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel.
Bruh: A slang term for "brother" or "friend."
Bruhwort: Relating to a personal name.
Bruin: Relating to a bear.
Bruised: Having a mark or injury caused by a blow or impact.
Bruiser: A person who is tough and aggressive.
Bruising: Causing a bruise or injury.
Brumal: Relating to winter.
Brumous: Foggy or misty.
Brunelleschi: Relating to the Italian architect Filippo Brunelleschi.
Brung: Dialectal past tense of "bring."
Brunizem: Relating to a type of soil found in temperate regions.
Brunnich: Relating to the Danish zoologist Morten Thrane Brunnich.
Brunonian: Relating to the medical theories of John Brown.
Brunsell: Relating to a personal name.
Brunting: Relating to a personal name.
Brush: Relating to a tool with bristles, wire, or other filaments.
Brushed: Cleaned or smoothed with a brush.
Brushless: Without a brush.
Brushlike: Resembling a brush.
Brushwood: Relating to small branches and twigs.
Brushy: Covered with brush or shrubs.
Brusque: Abrupt or offhand in speech or manner.
Brusseler: Relating to Brussels, the capital of Belgium.
Brussels: Relating to Brussels, the capital of Belgium.
Brutal: Savagely violent.
Brutan: Relating to a personal name.
Brutish: Resembling or characteristic of a brute.
Bubbling: Making or characterized by bubbles.
Buccal: Relating to the mouth or cheeks.
Bucked: Opposed or resisted.
Buddhist: Relating to Buddhism.
Budgeted: Planned the use of (resources) within a budget.
Buff: Having a light yellowish-brown color.
Bugged: Annoyed or bothered.
Building: Relating to the construction of buildings.
Built-in: Forming an integral part of a structure or device.
Bulgarian: Relating to Bulgaria or its people.
Bullheaded: Determined in an obstinate or unthinking way.
Bullying: Using superior strength or influence to intimidate someone.
Bumbling: Acting in a confused or ineffectual way.
Bumptious: Self-assertive or proud to an irritating degree.
Bumpy: Having an uneven surface.
Bunched: Gathered into a cluster.
Bungled: Carried out clumsily or incompetently.
Burdensome: Difficult to carry out or fulfill; taxing.
Burgeoning: Beginning to grow or increase rapidly.
Burglarized: Entered (a building) illegally with intent to commit a crime.
Burly: Large and strong.
Burrowing: Making a hole or tunnel, especially for habitation.
Bursal: Relating to a bursa (a fluid-filled sac in the body).
Bursting: Full to the point of breaking open.
Burundian: Relating to Burundi or its people.
Bustling: Full of energetic and noisy activity.
Busy: Actively and attentively engaged in work or a pastime.
Buttered: Spread with or dipped in butter.
Buttoned: Fastened with buttons.
Buxom: Plump, especially with large breasts.
Buzzing: Making a continuous low, humming sound.
Byzantine: Excessively complicated, and typically involving a great deal of administrative detail.