Adjectives That Start With N
An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun. It provides more information about the noun, such as its size, color, shape, condition, or qualities.
For instance, in the phrase "a shiny car," "shiny" is an adjective describing the car.
365+ Adjectives That Start With N
- Nailed: secured with nails.
- Naive: lacking experience or sophistication.
- Naked: without clothing or covering.
- Namby-pamby: weak or insipid in behavior.
- Nameless: without a name.
- Nannyish: overly protective or interfering.
- Napless: lacking a soft or fuzzy surface.
- Napoleonic: relating to Napoleon Bonaparte or his era.
- Napped: having a soft, fuzzy surface.
- Napping: taking a short sleep.
- Nappy: having a soft, fuzzy surface.
- Narcissistic: having an excessive interest in oneself.
- Narcotic: relating to or affecting the mind.
- Narrational: relating to the act of telling a story.
- Narrow: of small width.
- Narrow-minded: lacking tolerance or flexibility.
- Narrowed: made narrower.
- Narrowing: becoming narrower.
- Nasal: relating to the nose.
- Nascent: just coming into existence.
- Nasty: unpleasant or offensive.
- Natant: swimming or floating in water.
- National: relating to a nation.
- Nationalist: advocating for national independence.
- Nationalistic: having strong national pride.
- Nationwide: extending across the whole nation.
- Native: originating from a specific place.
- Native-born: born in a particular country.
- Nativist: advocating for the interests of native inhabitants.
- Nativistic: relating to the promotion of native cultures.
- Natty: neat and stylish.
- Natural: existing in nature.
- Naturalistic: imitating nature.
- Naturalized: granted the rights of citizenship.
- Naturistic: relating to nudism.
- Nauseated: feeling sick.
- Nauseating: causing nausea.
- Nauseous: feeling inclined to vomit.
- Nautical: relating to ships or navigation.
- Naval: relating to a navy.
- Navigable: suitable for navigation.
- Navigated: steered or directed.
- Navigational: relating to the process of navigation.
- Nearby: close at hand.
- Neat: tidy and orderly.
- Nebular: relating to a nebula.
- Nebulized: converted into a fine spray.
- Nebulous: vague or ill-defined.
- Necessary: required or essential.
- Neckless: without a neck.
- Necrotic: relating to the death of tissue.
- Needful: necessary or required.
- Needle-like: thin and sharp.
- Needy: lacking basic necessities.
- Negative: expressing denial or refusal.
- Neglected: not given proper attention.
- Neglectful: failing to give proper care.
- Negligent: failing to take proper care.
- Negotiable: open to discussion or modification.
- Neighboring: situated next to.
- Neighborly: friendly and helpful.
- Neither: not one nor the other.
- Neo-classical: relating to a revival of classical style.
- Neocortical: relating to the neocortex of the brain.
- Neolithic: relating to the later part of the Stone Age.
- Neonatal: relating to newborn children.
- Neoplastic: relating to a new, abnormal growth.
- Nepotistic: showing favoritism to relatives.
- Nerve-wracking: causing stress or anxiety.
- Nerveless: without strength.
- Nervous: easily agitated or alarmed.
- Nervy: showing courage or confidence.
- Nest-like: resembling a nest.
- Nestled: settled snugly.
- Net-like: resembling a net.
- Netty: resembling a net.
- Neural: relating to nerves.
- Neuroanatomic: relating to the anatomy of the nervous system.
- Neurological: relating to the nervous system.
- Neuronal: relating to neurons.
- Neurotic: suffering from a nervous disorder.
- Neuter: neither male nor female.
- Neutralizing: making neutral or ineffective.
- New: not existing before.
- Newborn: recently born.
- Newfangled: new or different from what one is used to.
- Newfound: recently discovered.
- Newly-minted: recently created.
- Newlywed: recently married.
- Newsworthy: worth reporting in the news.
- Newsy: full of news.
- Next: immediately following.
- Next-door: living in the next house.
- Nice: pleasant or agreeable.
- Nickel: containing or resembling nickel.
- Nifty: particularly good or effective.
- Niggardly: stingy or miserly.
- Niggling: causing slight but persistent annoyance.
- Nightly: occurring every night.
- Nightmarish: resembling a nightmare.
- Nimble: quick and light in movement.
- Nine: the number following eight.
- Ninefold: nine times as much.
- Nineteen: the number following eighteen.
- Nineteenth: next after the eighteenth.
- Ninetieth: next after the eighty-ninth.
- Ninety: the number following eighty-nine.
- Ninety-nine: one less than one hundred.
- Ninth: next after the eighth.
- Nipping: biting or pinching sharply.
- Nitid: bright and shining.
- Nitrous: relating to nitrogen.
- Nitwitted: silly or foolish.
- No-nonsense: practical and serious.
- Nobby: stylish and elegant.
- Nobiliary: relating to the nobility.
- Noble: having high moral qualities.
- Noctambulant: walking at night.
- Noctilucent: shining or glowing at night.
- Nocturnal: active at night.
- Nodular: having small, rounded lumps.
- Noiseless: silent or without noise.
- Noisy: making a lot of noise.
- Nonabrasive: not causing abrasion.
- Nonabsorbent: not capable of absorbing.
- Nonaddictive: not causing addiction.
- Nonalcoholic: not containing alcohol.
- Nonaligned: not aligned with a side.
- Nonallergenic: not causing allergic reactions.
- Nonallergic: not prone to allergies.
- Nonalphanumeric: not consisting of letters and numbers.
- Nonarbitrary: not based on random choice.
- Nonbeliever: one who does not believe.
- Nonbinding: not legally binding.
- Nonbiological: not related to biology.
- Nonbreakable: cannot be broken.
- Nonbusiness: not related to business.
- Noncarbonated: not containing carbon dioxide.
- Noncellular: not made up of cells.
- Nonchalant: appearing casually calm.
- Noncircular: not shaped like a circle.
- Nonclinical: not related to the clinic.
- Noncombatant: not engaged in combat.
- Noncommercial: not intended for profit.
- Noncommittal: not expressing commitment.
- Noncommutative: not commutative in nature.
- Noncompact: not closely packed.
- Noncompetitive: not involving competition.
- Noncompliant: not following rules.
- Nonconducting: not able to conduct.
- Nonconforming: not conforming to standards.
- Nonconsecutive: not in sequence.
- Noncontagious: not spreadable by contact.
- Noncontinuous: not continuous.
- Noncontroversial: not causing controversy.
- Nonconvergent: not converging.
- Noncooperative: not working together.
- Noncorrosive: not causing corrosion.
- Noncriminal: not involving crime.
- Noncritical: not expressing criticism.
- Noncyclic: not occurring in cycles.
- Nondecreasing: not becoming less.
- Nondemocratic: not following democratic principles.
- Nondepletable: not capable of being depleted.
- Nondescript: lacking distinctive features.
- Nondestructive: not causing destruction.
- Nondiscriminatory: not discriminating.
- Nonelective: not optional.
- Nonelectrified: not electrified.
- Nonenzymatic: not involving enzymes.
- Nonessential: not absolutely necessary.
- Noneventful: lacking events.
- Nonexclusive: not exclusive.
- Nonexistent: not existing.
- Nonfamilial: not related to family.
- Nonfat: containing no fat.
- Nonfatal: not causing death.
- Nonfeasible: not practical.
- Nonfictional: based on facts.
- Nonflammable: not easily set on fire.
- Nonfunctional: not working properly.
- Nonfunctioning: not operating.
- Nonglacial: not related to glaciers.
- Nongovernmental: not related to the government.
- Nongranular: not grainy.
- Nongravitational: not related to gravity.
- Nongregarious: not sociable.
- Nonhazardous: not dangerous.
- Nonhereditary: not passed down by heredity.
- Nonhierarchical: not arranged in a hierarchy.
- Nonhuman: not human.
- Nonhygienic: not clean or sanitary.
- Nonidentical: not exactly the same.
- Nonilluminated: not lit up.
- Noninvasive: not spreading harmfully.
- Nonionizing: not producing ions.
- Nonirritating: not causing irritation.
- Nonjudgmental: not judging.
- Nonlethal: not causing death.
- Nonlinear: not in a straight line.
- Nonluminous: not emitting light.
- Nonmagnetic: not attracted to magnets.
- Nonmechanical: not involving machines.
- Nonmetallic: not containing metal.
- Nonmigratory: not migrating.
- Nonmodern: not modern.
- Nonmodifiable: not capable of being modified.
- Nonmotile: not capable of movement.
- Nonmusical: not related to music.
- Nonnative: not indigenous.
- Nonnavigable: not suitable for navigation.
- Nonnegotiable: not open to discussion.
- Nonnormative: not based on norms.
- Nonnuclear: not involving nuclear energy.
- Nonnutritive: not providing nutrients.
- Nonofficial: not authorized.
- Nonoperative: not functioning.
- Nonparametric: not based on parameter assumptions.
- Nonparasitic: not involving parasites.
- Nonparticipating: not taking part.
- Nonpartisan: not biased.
- Nonpathogenic: not causing disease.
- Nonperishable: not prone to decay.
- Nonpermissive: not allowing.
- Nonpersistent: not lasting long.
- Nonphilosophical: not related to philosophy.
- Nonphotosynthetic: not using photosynthesis.
- Nonphysical: not material.
- Nonplussed: puzzled or confused.
- Nonpoisonous: not toxic.
- Nonpolar: not having poles.
- Nonpolitical: not related to politics.
- Nonpolluting: not causing pollution.
- Nonproductive: not producing anything.
- Nonprofessional: not professional.
- Nonprofit: not for profit.
- Nonproliferative: not increasing in number.
- Nonpsychiatric: not related to psychiatry.
- Nonradioactive: not emitting radiation.
- Nonreactive: not reacting.
- Nonreciprocal: not mutual.
- Nonrecurring: not happening again.
- Nonreflective: not reflecting light.
- Nonrefundable: not refundable.
- Nonrenewable: not able to be renewed.
- Nonreproductive: not producing offspring.
- Nonresidential: not suitable for living.
- Nonresidual: not leaving a residue.
- Nonresponsive: not responding.
- Nonretentive: not retaining.
- Nonretractable: not capable of being drawn back.
- Nonreturnable: not returnable.
- Nonreversible: not reversible.
- Nonrhythmic: not having rhythm.
- Nonsalient: not prominent.
- Nonsaline: not containing salt.
- Nonseasonal: not related to seasons.
- Nonsedimentary: not formed by sediment.
- Nonsegregated: not separated.
- Nonselective: not selective.
- Nonsensical: making no sense.
- Nonsequential: not in sequence.
- Nonserrated: not having a saw-toothed edge.
- Nonsexual: not related to sex.
- Nonshrinking: not becoming smaller.
- Nonsignificant: not important.
- Nonslip: not slippery.
- Nonsocial: not sociable.
- Nonspatial: not related to space.
- Nonspherical: not spherical.
- Nonspontaneous: not occurring naturally.
- Nonstandard: not conforming to standard.
- Nonstandardized: not standardized.
- Nonsteroidal: not related to steroids.
- Nonstick: not sticking.
- Nonsticky: not adhesive.
- Nonstop: without stopping.
- Nonstructural: not related to structure.
- Nonsubjective: not influenced by personal feelings.
- Nonsubmersible: not able to be submerged.
- Nonsupporting: not providing support.
- Nonsupportive: not supportive.
- Nonsurgical: not involving surgery.
- Nonsynchronous: not occurring at the same time.
- Nonsystematic: not methodical.
- Nontactile: not relating to touch.
- Nontangible: not perceptible by touch.
- Nonterminal: not final.
- Nonterritorial: not related to territory.
- Nonthermal: not related to heat.
- Nonthreatening: not menacing.
- Nontoxic: not poisonous.
- Nontraditional: not following tradition.
- Nontransferable: not able to be transferred.
- Nontranslatable: not able to be translated.
- Nontransparent: not clear.
- Nontrivial: not insignificant.
- Nonulcerated: not having ulcers.
- Nonuniform: not consistent.
- Nonuniformed: not wearing a uniform.
- Nonunionized: not belonging to a union.
- Nonverbal: not using words.
- Nonviolent: not using physical force.
- Nonvolatile: not easily evaporated.
- Nonvolcanic: not related to volcanoes.
- Nonvoting: not having the right to vote.
- Nonwhite: not white.
- Nonwilling: not willing.
- Nonwoody: not made of wood.
- Nonwoven: not woven.
- Nonzero: not zero.
- Nordic: relating to Scandinavia.
- Normal: usual or typical.
- Normative: relating to norms.
- North: situated towards the north.
- Northeastern: situated in the northeast.
- Northern: situated in the north.
- Northwest: situated in the northwest.
- Northwestern: situated in the northwest.
- Nosed: having a nose.
- Nostalgic: longing for the past.
- Notable: worthy of attention.
- Notarial: relating to a notary.
- Noted: well-known.
- Noteworthy: deserving attention.
- Noticeable: easily seen.
- Notifiable: required to be reported.
- Notional: based on theory.
- Notorious: famous for something bad.
- Nourishable: capable of being nourished.
- Nourished: provided with food.
- Nourishing: providing nourishment.
- Novel: new and original.
- Novice: inexperienced.
- Novitiate: the period of being a novice.
- Noxious: harmful or poisonous.
- Nubby: having a rough texture.
- Nubile: sexually attractive.
- Nubilous: cloudy or obscure.
- Nuclear: relating to the nucleus of an atom.
- Nucleated: having a nucleus.
- Nucleophilic: having an affinity for nuclei.
- Nude: without clothing.
- Nudged: gently pushed.
- Nudist: advocating nudity.
- Null: having no value.
- Nullified: made void.
- Numb: without sensation.
- Numbered: having numbers.
- Numerate: able to understand and work with numbers.
- Numeric: relating to numbers.
- Numerically: in terms of numbers.
- Numerological: relating to numerology.
- Numerous: many in number.
- Numismatic: relating to coins.
- Nuptial: relating to marriage.
- Nurturant: providing care and protection.
- Nurtured: cared for.
- Nut-bearing: producing nuts.
- Nutational: relating to a nodding motion.
- Nutrient: providing nourishment.
- Nutrimental: relating to nutrients.
- Nutritional: relating to nutrition.
- Nutritionally: in terms of nutrition.
- Nutritious: providing nourishment.
- Nutritive: relating to nutrition.
- Nutsy: crazy or eccentric.
- Nutty: tasting of nuts.
- Nymphean: relating to nymphs.